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"Impression Qinhuaiyuan" Art School Public Welfare Class Enters Community

2024-04-24 10:37

Longhu News (reporter Di Sicheng, correspondent Yan Minqi and Liu Zhen): In order to implement the practice of the "Ten Million Project" in the new era, promote the "Ten Million Project" of cultural benefits to the people, improve the street rural tourism brand, enhance cultural self-confidence, promote the coordinated development of cultural, tourism and sports undertakings, improve the cultural and artistic accomplishment of residents, and enrich the cultural life of residents. Baota Road Community of Yongyang Street, together with Yongyang Street Sports Station, carried out the "Impression Qinhuaiyuan" art school public benefit class and traditional flower art wave hat diy activities.

In the class, the teacher brought a new scientific fitness knowledge to the community residents who participated in the activity, helping them understand their own sports methods, master the correct sports methods, and improve their health. The teacher, combining his years of sports experience and professional knowledge, introduced in detail the home sports movements suitable for all ages. The lively language and interactive atmosphere filled the whole classroom.

After the lecture, the teacher introduced the content, knowledge, operation steps and significance of the DIY activity of "Beautiful hat like flower", and guided everyone to make it together. The residents present carefully selected their favorite straw hats and dried flowers to work together with DIY straw hats according to their personal preferences, and freely created on plain straw hats, turning the simple and ordinary straw hats into unique "beautiful hats".

Time slipped away quietly in the laughter. Straw hats and dried flowers, combined with informal creativity, the encounter between straw weaving and flower art, nature and gorgeous collision, ordinary straw hats became unique fashion items after hand painting and decoration, making this event a unique spring memory.

Source: Other editors: Huan Yufei
