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Shahe Community of Lishui Development Zone launched the activity of "Women's Heart Gather Energy for the Party's Winter Training" of the red travel propaganda group of "Flying Sand and Promoting Lishui"

2024-03-08 09:01

Dragon and Tiger News (correspondent Peng Youjia): In the warm spring sun and the blooming flowers in March, women are strong and worthy of their beauty. On March 8, another International Women's Day came as scheduled. Shahe Community of Lishui Development Zone combined the winter training of party members with festival activities, and carried out the "Flying Sands and Promoting Li" red travel propaganda group of Shahe Community - "Women's Heart Gathers Energy to the Party's Winter Training" activity, fully demonstrating the female demeanor of the new era, giving play to the vanguard role of female party members, and enhancing the sense of gain of female compatriots in the community Happiness.

The plan of the year lies in spring, which is a season full of vitality. With the warm spring breeze, the members of Shahe Community come to the Xuanwu Lake, which is full of spring. The party members of the branch walked around the lake and watched the spring scenery of Xuanwu Lake. While enjoying the spring outing, they played interactive games. The green grass was full of laughter and laughter. While relaxing, they also saved energy and enthusiasm for better work.

Reading is an important way for personal growth. Party members go to Xuanwu Lake Pioneer Bookstore, select red books that they are interested in, read them, draw "nutrients" from books, improve their overall quality and temper their party spirit. "As women in the new era, we should read more books, read good books, enrich practical knowledge, improve our spiritual realm, and strive to become learning party members." The female community party members who participated in the activities said.

After the lake tour, community party members came to Nanjing Presidential Palace to review the extraordinary history of modern times. We have visited the Imperial Court, the lobby, the nave, Zichao Building, the President's Office and other places in succession. The historical scenes are vivid, inspiring the patriotic enthusiasm of Party members, and reminding us to cherish today's hard won happy life.

In the next step, Shahe Community will continue to carry out a series of winter training activities for Party members, enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the party members, encourage grass-roots party members to shoulder new tasks, write a new chapter, and contribute more to creating a new situation of community governance at the grass-roots level.

Source: Editor: Zhang Yifei
