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Nanjing Higher Vocational Park: promote employment and talent seeking in spring

2024-05-14 14:44

Dragon Tiger News (correspondent Jin Huimin, Gu Chuanglin, reporter Li Ying) In order to deepen the implementation of the Communist Youth League's action to promote college students' employment and further expand the employment channels for graduates, the 2024 job practice and employment fair of "Dream Sail · Career Start" was held on May 12 in Nanjing Higher Vocational Park, Nanjing Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College.

This activity was strongly supported by Jiangsu University Enrollment and Employment Guidance Service Center, Gaochun Youth League District Committee, Gaochun District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Nanjing Higher Vocational Park Management Committee. 182 high-quality enterprises such as Siemens Numerical Control (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jiasheng Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Branch, Zhenjiang Huadong Power Equipment Manufacturing Factory Co., Ltd. entered the campus to select talents and negotiate cooperation, providing mechanical, electronic, computer, art design, communication, Internet of Things There are 4945 posts such as accounting, attracting thousands of students to apply.

The school held a school enterprise meeting in the report hall of Lexue Building. Zhou Qingli, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the university, said that he hoped to discuss the new mode and new path of school enterprise cooperation through the meeting, promote the deep integration of industry, university and research, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. Zhao Xuehong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, said that he was eager for employers to recognize talents, provide more jobs for students' internship and employment, and enable enterprises and students to achieve "two-way rush". At the meeting, Zang Enge, Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Gaochun District, Nanjing, and Wang Chunrong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Nanjing Higher Vocational Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park, made speeches one after another. Diao Aijun, a member of the Party Committee and vice president of the school, and China Energy Construction Group Nanjing Line Equipment Co., Ltd., China Nonmetallic Materials Nanjing Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Hengke New Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shenlue Data Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Zhongji Machinery Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd., and Nanjing Huisuan Financial Consulting Co., Ltd. (Gaochun Branch) 13 enterprises signed school enterprise cooperation agreements.

After the meeting, Zang Enge and his delegation had a cordial exchange with the recruitment units and graduates, learned about the situation of the participating units in detail, asked about the employment situation of the students, encouraged the students to establish a correct concept of career selection, seize the opportunity, and find employment as soon as possible.

The "one-stop" student community at the activity site has set up "Graduate Policy Consulting Office", "Resume Clinic" and other service sites for students to provide one-stop intimate services such as resume optimization and policy consultation. In addition, in order to provide more channels for students to obtain job information, the Gaochun Youth League District Committee has specially carried out the activity of "direct train to the post", "live broadcast to the post", so that work can be touched on the "screen".

This job fair has set up a "face-to-face" and "point-to-point" employment service platform for students of Nanjing Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College to communicate with employers and apply for jobs. It has provided valuable opportunities to deeply understand the cutting-edge trends of various industries and broaden their career vision, which can effectively help students to quickly find their favorite jobs under the premise of fully demonstrating their professional advantages, Let every student face the future with confidence.

Source: Editor: Zhang Ling
