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The city's first volunteer service alliance for employees of social enterprises was officially established

2024-04-26 14:05

Dragon Tiger News (correspondent Li Xin and reporter Wu Xiao) In order to further promote the spirit of voluntary service of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", and mobilize the enthusiasm of resident enterprises and institutions, community trade union members and other groups to "serve the masses and society", on the afternoon of April 25, The launching ceremony of the first volunteer service alliance of social enterprise employees in Nanjing was held in Qixia District Special Education School. Fifteen communities and nine resident enterprises in Yanziji Street, Qixia District signed paired mutual assistance agreements on the spot to jointly build a volunteer service alliance.

Hu Dagui, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress and Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, Xu Xingdong, Executive Vice Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, Liu Wengang, Secretary of the Yanziji Sub district Working Committee, Kong Juan, Director of the Yanziji Sub district Working Committee of the People's Congress, Song Weigang, Deputy Director of the District Education Bureau, Xiang Rong, Deputy Director of the Social Work Department of the District Party Committee, Jiang Sumin, Deputy Secretary of the Yanziji Sub district Working Committee and other leaders attended the event, Jointly witnessed the establishment of the Volunteer Service Alliance of Social Enterprise Employees.

Hu Dagui congratulated the establishment of the alliance. He emphasized the establishment of the volunteer service alliance, which took the first step in building a pair of volunteer services for social enterprise employees. By building a volunteer service organization system, building a volunteer service bridge, pooling the power of voluntary care, he broadened the channels for enterprise employees to participate in social governance, and effectively promoted the normalization and institutionalization of employee volunteer services Brand development provides a model for the whole district to carry out this work.

Charity donation and centralized signing were carried out at the activity site. The chairmen of 15 trade unions, including the Chemical Fiber New Village Community Trade Union Federation, and 9 enterprise representatives, including Nanjing Power Construction Property Management Co., Ltd., signed a pair of mutual assistance agreement. The two sides will promote education, poverty alleviation, labor volunteer, care for vulnerable groups, cultural and sports publicity, health emergency assistance, community convenience and benefit Cooperate on 9 services, including the joint construction of urban civilization and ecological civilization, realize the sharing of volunteer service resources and complementary advantages, and jointly promote the solution of practical problems.

It is understood that according to the plan, by the end of November this year, 130 communities (villages) in 9 streets of the district will have achieved full coverage of the volunteer services of social enterprise employees. Through collective wisdom and efforts, we will promote the construction of staff volunteer service team, consolidate the content of staff volunteer service, create a volunteer service brand with the flavor of the times and in line with regional positioning development, and boost the development of community governance.

Source: Longhu.com Editor: Zhang Ling
