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The first "Promotion Catalogue of Elderly Products" product exhibition was held in Nanjing to "update" science and technology, and the consumption of the elderly was "trendy"

2024-05-17 07:29

The picture shows the horizontal shower system suitable for the elderly. Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter Qi Kejia

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter Zhang Tiantian

Correspondent Bo Xuan

The hot neck pillow, fashionable clothing accessories, anti radiation and anti ultraviolet glasses... On May 15-17, the first product exhibition of the Promotion Catalogue of Elderly Products was held in Hall 1 of Nanjing International Expo Center. At the exhibition, a continuous stream of visitors came to visit and experience various pension services and products. Today, with the growing willingness and ability of the elderly to consume, the consumption demand is becoming increasingly diversified, and the silver economy ushers in a new prospect of development and growth.

Science and technology are "new", and elderly products are not "old"

What do you want to see your elders buy on holidays? In the past, you might choose to go to the mall to pick out clothes or buy some health products. Now you find that this consumption concept has become outdated.

The Promotion Catalogue of Elderly Products was released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. At the exhibition, reporters observed that one by one "black technology" elderly products were accelerating into the market. From clothing and intelligent monitors for the elderly to multi-functional nursing appliances, there are more and more products that meet the needs of the elderly. At the exhibition site on the same day, the audience was amazed that the elderly products were not "old" at all.

Graphene, previously known as the "star" of the new material to open a "new era" in the battery field, has been "worn" by the elderly long ago when many young people may not know its "true face of Mount Lushan".

A seemingly ordinary yarn is not only thinner than hair, but also has a conductive effect... At the exhibition site, Wu Lili, the product manager of Joyful Home Textile Co., Ltd., demonstrated a magical "line" to reporters. When she "pasted" the emergency bulb on the spool, the bulb was instantly lit, and the bulb contacted ordinary yarn, it responded "coldly".

"The emergency light bulb is equipped with a rechargeable battery, which will be instantly lit when it touches the conductive medium." Wu Lili introduced that nano carbon highly conductive materials were added in the yarn production process, which were woven into the inner layer of the clothes worn by the elderly, and the internal temperature of the fabric could be controlled within the appropriate temperature range of the human body through small high-efficiency lithium batteries and electronic temperature control devices, Let the elderly wear both "style" and "temperature".

There are many styles, and the life of the elderly is "trendy"

Blowpipe playing, drone aerial photography, short video production... various forms of elderly education courses have made the life of the elderly have a different "open way". If we say that the common courses of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, singing and dancing, flower arrangement and health preservation in the public impression are the "traditional arts" of the university for the elderly, a large number of "trendy" courses set up with the times have attracted more attention.

At the exhibition, the booth of an elderly education and training institution became the "star" of the exhibition. Many people gathered around the staff to understand the teaching content, duration and cost of relevant courses.

Wu Tong, an old man who lives in Jianye, was an engineer before retirement and has studied in the University for the Elderly for two years. This semester he enrolled in two classes - Chinese traditional landscape painting and photography. "My friends envy me for the hard won place," he said with a smile. This time, he and his wife came to the exhibition to look for educational institutions to learn new skills. "When I was young, I suffered hardships. Now I have 'money and leisure'. I can spend money to buy happiness and satisfy my hobbies." Wu Tong explained his consumption concept, "which makes me feel that my life in my later years is very full and meaningful."

Just bought a pair of glasses that can filter harmful light in another booth, 65 year old Li Ying stopped in front of a booth selling mature women's clothing. In her early years, she was reluctant to buy anything because of poor family conditions. Now, her children have jobs, and she has a pension. She began to attach importance to the quality of life when she was no longer short of money. When she went shopping, Li Ying no longer "stared at discount products". She not only downloaded social software, learned how to dress, but also organized a group trip abroad with friends. "The times are developing, and we should also keep pace with the times, go to the outside world to see more and experience a different life." Li Ying said.

Consumption upgrading, the elderly market is expected

In senior college, parents love photography, dance and musical instruments; In the e-commerce live broadcast room, the elderly joined the army of "squatting and looting"; In the major scenic spots around the world, the older generation is busy taking photos and punching cards... The new generation of "silver haired people" are generally highly educated, pay more attention to the quality of life, and have their own social circle and spiritual needs. The uncles and aunts who don't like spending money and are considered as "price sensitive" consumer groups have quietly changed their consumption concepts from "keeping the money bag tight" to "spending money to buy comfort" and "spending money to buy satisfaction".

At the beginning of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "No. 1 Document" to focus on the silver economy. The "Opinions on Developing the Silver Economy and Improving the Welfare of the Elderly" became the first special document supporting the development of the silver economy in China. This year's government work report proposed "implementing the national strategy of actively responding to population aging" and "vigorously developing the silver economy".

"There is great potential for the development of China's silver hair economy." Experts said, "At present, the needs of the post-50s and post-60s for health, health care, medical care and other services and products are very prominent. In the future, more and more elderly people who understand science and technology, love fashion, have vitality, and value quality will promote the elderly care needs and the updating and iteration of the consumption structure, which is expected to inject new momentum into economic and social development."

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Zhang Rongrong
