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East China Headquarters officially launched Xiaomi's "opening", and Nanjing's scientific and technological innovation added an engine

2024-05-17 07:25

Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park, located in Yongchu Road, Jianye District, is a geometric glass building with a sense of technology and modernity. Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter Duan Renhu Photographed

News from our newspaper (reporter Wei Lingyun, correspondent Jian Xuan) The East China Headquarters Building of Xiaomi Group was officially opened recently, with about 5000 people settling down to work. It will also become the largest R&D center of Xiaomi in China except Beijing Headquarters.

It is understood that Xiaomi Group's East China headquarters settled in Jianye District in October 2017, and has set up 6 companies and several ecological chain enterprises. In 2023, part of the Internet business lines will be launched in Nanjing, covering games, applications, content and other fields, with more than 2000 employees and 75% of R&D personnel. In 2023, Xiaomi Nanjing's economic indicators will achieve substantial growth. Among them, the turnover was 1.216 billion yuan, and the annual R&D investment was 540 million yuan, maintaining growth for five consecutive years.

What role will Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters play in Xiaomi system? "As the big software center and talent base of Xiaomi Group, it will become a high-quality and efficient software R&D and delivery center in business, and the cradle of young software engineers of the Group in talent." Liang Qiushi, deputy general manager of Xiaomi Internet Business Department and general manager of Xiaomi Nanjing Regional General Department, said that the mobile phone department is currently in addition to Xiaomi Digital Mix, Redmi K70 series, all new machine delivery business has landed in Nanjing. Nanjing Internet business is also the second headquarter of Xiaomi's domestic mobile Internet, bearing an annual revenue of 15 billion yuan. The development and maintenance of new car software such as vehicle software of the Automobile Department will also gradually fall to Nanjing, and the Nanjing Branch of the Construction Automobile Department will be built.

The essence of headquarters economy is a "human" economy, where a large number of enterprise executives, professionals and first-class talents gather. With the investment of Xiaomi Group's East China headquarters, Xi'an, Wuhan, Beijing and other places have systematic teams moved to Nanjing to introduce high-quality talents for the development of Nanjing's Internet industry.

Since last year, Xiaomi has set up "Xiaomi Talent Training Camp" in Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing Forestry University and Nanjing University of Information Engineering. Xiaomi engineers go to the campus to give lectures. After graduation, potential talents will be explored and trained, and priority will be given to Xiaomi development. It is reported that Xiaomi Nanjing is expected to recruit 800 people this year, and will also train targeted employees through the establishment of East China Software College in conjunction with colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province.

"This year, we will also launch large-scale businesses and establish a number of talent project pilots, focusing on research and development functions, fully combining the advantages of talent resources of Nanjing's colleges and universities, and through strategic cooperation with colleges and universities, we will solve the problem of large-scale recruitment and employment through precise two-way transformation, and accelerate the implementation of business and talent strategies." Liang Qiushi said that it is expected to reach 5000 people in three years, In five years, we will strive to recruit 10000 people, make Xiaomi Group's East China Software R&D Center stronger, become the cradle and base of scientific and technological talents, promote the development and agglomeration of ecological chain enterprises, and jointly explore the path of technological innovation in Nanjing industry.

Liu Kehua, doctoral supervisor of Southeast University, said that the opening of Xiaomi Group's East China headquarters will undoubtedly bring new changes to the development of urban economy and industry. On the one hand, talent settlement can increase employment and stimulate consumption; On the other hand, the advantage of corporate headquarters has a strong radiation and driving effect on the industry, and headquarters economy can promote the stability of the industrial chain supply chain in the region.

At present, with the settlement of Xiaomi, Ali, NetEase, Bilibili and other leading Internet enterprises, Jianye District has attracted more than 80000 high-end talents engaged in Internet, electronic communications and other industries, and has formed a number of 10 billion level emerging industrial clusters such as information software, digital entertainment, and the agglomeration effect of headquarters economy has become more obvious.

The relevant person in charge of Jianye District said that it would speed up the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions. Jianye District would firmly adhere to the direction of the leading industry of "finance+digital economy", focus on the main business form of "headquarters economy+platform economy", promote the coupling and linkage of "digital intelligence city" and "financial city", focus on seven major tracks such as financial technology and data element industry, and pay attention to the "article after introduction", Take the initiative to use leading enterprises to achieve "re recruitment", build "four major systems" ecological chain, such as Huawei, Ali, Xiaomi and central enterprises, and strive to form a healthy ecological chain to promote high-quality development of local economy.

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Zhang Rongrong
