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Our city has issued a series of implementation plans, policies and measures to promote and support the high-quality development of low altitude economy. By 2026, the scale of low altitude economy industry will exceed 50 billion yuan

2024-05-16 07:34

(Reporter Xu Ning) Nanjing Low Altitude Economic Development Conference was held yesterday. At the meeting, the Nanjing Implementation Plan for Promoting the High Quality Development of Low Altitude Economy (2024-2026) (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") and the Nanjing Several Measures to Support the High Quality Development of Low Altitude Economy (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the "Several Measures") were officially issued, striving to promote the development level of low altitude economy in our city to rank first in the country.

The Implementation Plan defines the development goals and key tasks of our city's low altitude economy in the next three years. Among them, the development goal includes one total indicator: the scale of the city's low altitude economic industry exceeds 50 billion yuan. 7 specific indicators: more than 240 low altitude aircraft take-off and landing sites and supporting information infrastructure have been built; More than 3 flight test sites and operator training sites have been built; It is planned to build 1-2 general airports; More than 120 low altitude routes have been opened; There are more than 120 high-tech enterprises in the low altitude economy of the city; Build 15 innovation platforms above provincial level; Cultivate more than 30 innovative application scenarios with demonstration effect.

The key tasks of the Implementation Plan are divided into 5 aspects and 20 items

In terms of effectively ensuring low altitude flight activities, we focused on achieving large-scale, low-cost, safe and controllable flight activities, and proposed six tasks, including improving the design of low altitude flight systems, promoting coordinated air traffic management, improving flight control service capabilities, building a low altitude flight data platform, building ground low altitude infrastructure, and building a low altitude digital intelligent network.

In terms of improving the level of low altitude industrial agglomeration, we focused on enterprise cultivation, industrial supporting, carrier construction, and brand optimization, and proposed four tasks, including laying out a new track for low altitude industry, cultivating and strengthening the industrial chain of low altitude economy, creating a high-level industrial bearing area, and organizing major activities in the low altitude field.

In terms of expanding and cultivating low altitude application scenarios, we focused on scenario expansion, rich business types, and featured consumption, and proposed three tasks: building "government end" application scenario demonstration, exploring "traffic end" application scenario practice, and encouraging "commercial end" application scenario innovation.

In terms of building a low altitude science and technology innovation policy source center, we focused on giving play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation and talent gathering, and proposed three tasks, including promoting low altitude scientific and technological innovation breakthroughs, developing new low altitude scientific and technological service formats, and consolidating low altitude industry talent support.

In terms of improving the supporting measures for low altitude economy, focusing on core services, external support, strengthening supervision, etc., four tasks were proposed, including cultivating airworthiness certification technical service capability, establishing low altitude economy expert committee and low altitude economy industry association, and establishing low altitude safety guarantee mechanism.

Several Measures mainly cover 4 aspects and 12 specific policies and measures

Continue to expand the scale of low altitude economic industries. Specific support policies include: for the recruitment of leading enterprises, the district where the enterprise is located will give a settlement award of no more than 20 million yuan based on 5% of the paid in registered capital. For the cultivation of local enterprises, high-tech enterprises and technologically advanced service enterprises that have won and passed the review for the first time, the city and district will jointly give subsidies; For the first time, the national single champion of manufacturing industry and the "little giant" enterprise specializing in special and new products will be rewarded with 3 million yuan and 1 million yuan respectively. For enterprises' technological transformation projects, 10% of the total project investment will be given as financial rewards and subsidies if they meet the conditions, and the maximum amount of a single project is 10 million yuan. For enterprises undertaking municipal major science and technology projects, the maximum subsidy for a single project is 20 million yuan.

Build a low altitude flight support system. Specific support policies include: low altitude infrastructure, financial subsidies and policy support in low altitude flight service platform, low altitude flight data platform and low altitude digital intelligent network construction. In terms of public service platforms, for those identified as national and provincial platforms, 1:1 supporting support will be given from national and provincial funds; For those who take the lead in the preparation and revision of international and national standards, they will be awarded no more than 500000 yuan and 300000 yuan respectively. In terms of low altitude transportation routes, enterprises are supported to develop inter city services such as interline connection, commuter and intercity flights; According to the scope of the city and Nanjing Metropolitan Area, the operating enterprises that meet the standards for new routes and sorties will be rewarded.

Expand and enrich low altitude application scenarios. Specific support policies include: in terms of public service scenarios, more than 10 innovative application scenarios with demonstration effect are selected and released every year. At the same time, government departments, public enterprises and institutions are encouraged to strengthen the docking and cooperation with low altitude manufacturing enterprises and low altitude flight service enterprises, and carry out various urban public services. In terms of low altitude flight scenarios, enterprises are encouraged to use small, medium and large unmanned aerial vehicles to carry out low altitude distribution business, and operating enterprises that meet the standards for new routes and sorties are rewarded. In terms of low altitude consumption scenarios, encourage all districts to issue tickets for low altitude flight experience and sightseeing; A maximum reward of 300000 yuan will be given to the newly built UAV, model aviation and other flight camps awarded by the Aviation Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China and the China Aviation Sports Association.

Optimize the development ecology of low altitude industries. Specific support policies include: setting up an industrial fund, setting up a master fund for Nanjing aerospace industry, and investment projects covering angel and start-up projects, growth projects, and mature projects in the low altitude economic field. Introduce and cultivate industrial talents, encourage enterprises on the low altitude economic chain to actively introduce and cultivate high-end talents, and implement special support policies for high-level industrial talents in Nanjing; Priority support will be given to qualified innovation and entrepreneurship teams and leading talents in accordance with a series of talent policies such as the "Zijinshan Talent Plan". Build brand exhibitions, vigorously support the city and district to introduce international or national brand exhibitions, and provide a maximum subsidy of 2 million yuan for qualified high-end exhibitions.

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Ding Tiantian
