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29 collectives and individuals in Nanjing were awarded the title of "May Day Women's Pacesetter Post" and "Pacesetter"

2024-05-10 07:07

News from our newspaper (reporter Yu Mengdi) Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security decided to commend a number of advanced collectives and individuals of women workers in 2023, and awarded the title of "Jiangsu May Day Women's Pacesetter Post" to 50 women workers' collectives including Nanjing Aowei Garment Co., Ltd. Garment Production Workshop 1, and the title of "Jiangsu May Day Women's Pacesetter Post" to 49 women workers including Wang Ai title. Among them, 15 female worker collectives and 14 female workers in Nanjing were on the list.

Nanjing Aowei Garment Co., Ltd. has 103 employees in the first garment production workshop, including 101 female employees, accounting for 98% of the workshop employees. This time, it was awarded the title of "May Day Women's Pacesetter Post in Jiangsu Province". When we entered the workshop, the sound of the machine was booming, and a full automatic computer template machine was running at full speed. It was a scene of vigorous production. Workers were sewing, ironing, and removing threads from the products. It is reported that Nanjing Aowei Garment Co., Ltd. was established in 2003, producing more than 1 million cotton coats and down garments annually, creating its own brand - Aowei brand down jackets, and successfully registering the trademarks of "Huirong" home textiles, "Huirong", "Aowei", "Geolian" clothing and other brands. "Geolian" and "Shiwenke" have become famous brand products in Nanjing.

"Each team of the first workshop strictly implements various rules and regulations such as safety production, labor protection, factory discipline and factory rules, and there are no quality accidents and unsafe accidents throughout the year. The first inspection pass rate is more than 95%, and the comprehensive indicators such as output, operation, raw and auxiliary material consumption rank first in the sewing process team, which is highly praised by the company." The company's relevant person in charge introduced.

Xia Ailan, the technical director of Nanjing Kuaiyijie Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd., was awarded the "May Day Women's Pacesetter in Jiangsu Province" this time. Having rooted in the domestic service industry for 23 years, Xia Ailan has cultivated tens of thousands of skilled domestic workers, including deputies to the National People's Congress, winners of the National May Day Labor Medal, the most beautiful domestic technician in China, and champions of provincial and municipal domestic competition. On the eve of the May Day International Labor Day this year, Xia Ailan also received a new honor - the May Day Labor Medal of Jiangsu Province.

"The idea of 'being a craftsman with a heart of work and a heart of gratitude' has always been adhered to by me since I started my career." Xia Ailan said when referring to the details of her career in domestic service. In order to create a sunny day for the modern domestic service industry, Xia Ailan actively participated in skill training and practiced her skills, and obtained many high skill certificates, such as the second level technician nursing staff, senior baby sitter, senior domestic service attendant, and senior property manager. She not only worked on her own, but also led her sisters to work together. She trained and placed a number of high-level domestic workers, helped thousands of rural girls find jobs in cities, and provided home care and professional housekeeping services for tens of thousands of families.

The left hand mask, the right hand welding gun, in the light of the small welding rod, a thin figure is particularly noticeable. She is Zhao Yanfang, an inspector of China Merchants Jinling Shipbuilding (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., who was awarded the title of "May 1st Women's Pacesetter in Jiangsu Province". She has been engaged in the welding industry for 25 years, welding more than one million 10000 ton ocean going ships and using hundreds of thousands of meters of welding wires.

Every summer, the surface temperature of the hull steel plate exceeds 60 ℃, and the stuffy heat and smoke in the cabin make people suffocate. After a day's work, her work clothes are soaked with sweat; In winter, when the wind was cold on the deck and outside the shipboard, others even felt cold when they reached out their hands, Zhao Yanfang worked meticulously without complaint.

The most valuable thing is that after working in the company's quality inspection team, Zhao Yanfang was bold and careful, brave and innovative, tried new welding processes and methods, created and improved a variety of new welding processes and applied them to production, of which argon arc welding and manual arc welding are her strengths.

Source: nanjing daily Edit: Gao Ying
