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Dai Huajie: Deepen the coordinated development of regions and shoulder the banner of "strong industrial zone"

2024-02-23 07:15

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter

Zha Jinzhong Zhu Yini

Correspondent Qi Xuan

"The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, focusing on the theme of new quality productivity, have made an integrated layout of new industrialization and the construction of a strong industrial city, fully releasing the bright signal and strong determination to focus on innovation, industry and projects. The meeting thoroughly analyzed the potential and foundation of Nanjing's development of new quality productivity, prospectively deployed the main direction of the development of the '4266' industrial system, and systematically proposed key measures to create a 'four chain' deep integration development ecology, which runs through Nanjing's mission, defines Nanjing's path, highlights Nanjing's responsibility, and is inspiring and inspiring. " In the afternoon of February 21, Dai Huajie, secretary of Qixia District Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xianlin University Town, said in an interview that Qixia, as an industrial region with concentrated new quality elements and complete new domain layout, will earnestly implement the spirit of this conference, deepen regional synergy advantages, and aim at high-end, intelligent, and green, Deeply implement the leading strategy of industrial strength zone, climb high, welcome the new, and go far, so as to contribute more Qixia power to write a new chapter of "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Nanjing modernization.

In the past year, Qixia District adhered to the main line of learning and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, made overall plans to promote the rejuvenation of traditional industries, the growth of emerging industries, and the cultivation of future industries, and handed over a thick report card of improving energy. Regional industrial operation stabilized and recovered. We continued to promote the expansion and strengthening of key industries such as electronic information, new energy vehicles, high-end intelligent equipment, and biomedicine. We cultivated one enterprise with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan and five enterprises with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan. Three enterprises were successfully listed, ranking first in the city. The total industrial output value above designated size reached 351.3 billion yuan, ranking 27th in the list of "China's Top 100 Industrial Districts" and second in the city. The integration of data and reality accelerated. 132 "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" projects were implemented, covering 114 enterprises, and 4 national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories were identified as the unveiling units and excellent scenes. China (Nanjing) Smart Valley has gathered more than 450 AI enterprises and R&D institutions, with core industry revenue of 8.5 billion yuan. Its industrial scale and agglomeration degree rank top in the city, and it was awarded the "China Industry University Research Cooperation Innovation Demonstration Zone". The growth potential continued to increase. The proportion of R&D expenditure of the whole society in GDP and its growth rate have remained above 4% all the year round, and the output value of high-tech industries accounts for more than 70% of the industrial output value above designated size. 160 industry university research cooperation projects have been reached, 34 engineering technology research centers at provincial and municipal levels have been newly built, and the number of foreign high-end talents and professionals working in Nanjing ranks first in the city.

In the new year, Qixia will take deepening regional coordinated development as a key move, play the strongest note, highlight the brightest logo, give play to overlapping advantages, go all out to carry the banner of "strong industrial zone", and serve the development of the city with innovative and solid performance.

In terms of industrial clusters, Qixia will accelerate the construction of Jinling Petrochemical's quality and efficiency improvement project with a total investment of 11 billion yuan, making the traditional industry "big and strong"; Promote the photoelectric display, biomedicine and other industries to move towards the middle and high end of the value chain, and strive to create 2-3 hundred billion level industrial clusters to make the leading industries "high and strong"; To subdivide industries such as new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence, we will strengthen business to attract business, improve the scale of the industrial chain, and make emerging industries "new and strong". At the same time, we will accelerate the promotion of the modern service industry to "climb up at both ends" to better meet the demand for efficient collaboration of the industrial chain supply chain.

In terms of industrial transformation, Qixia will speed up intelligent transformation, help enterprises change their machines, equipment cores and production lines, and achieve full coverage of "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" of industrial enterprises above designated size; Accelerate the digital transformation, deepen the industrial Internet "access to parks, enterprises, workshops, and equipment", promote enterprises to the cloud, and accelerate the digital empowerment of enterprises; Accelerate the green upgrading, build 15 green factories above the provincial level, and promote the industry to enter the "fast lane" of green and low-carbon development in an all-round way.

In terms of industrial innovation, universities in the district will be encouraged to carry out scientific research and innovation, carry out "choke" technology research, and achieve more "0-1" innovation breakthroughs; Efficient operation of "Xiakexing" technology transfer market and other platforms to promote the transformation of more "1 to 100" achievements in Qixia; Adhere to the principle of gathering talents with industry, promoting industry with talents, and integrating industry with talents, and improve more "1+N" talent policies.

In terms of industrial entities, let private enterprises be more dynamic, and further promote "individual to enterprise", "small scale upgrading", "refined planning" and "excellent listing"; Let state-owned enterprises strengthen the traction, carry out industrial docking, project attraction and strategic cooperation, and promote more state-owned enterprises and central enterprises to expand their investment and land new projects in Qixia; Let foreign enterprises provide excellent support, support more foreign enterprises to set up functional headquarters, R&D centers and open innovation platforms in Qixia, attract more high-quality industrial projects through business, and participate in industrial chain strengthening, chain repair and chain extension.

In terms of industrial support, promote new development models such as "industrial upstairs" and "industrial complex" according to local conditions, form the agglomeration effect of "industrial park is the ecosystem, and the upstairs and downstairs are the upstream and downstream", and improve the carrying capacity of the park; Do a good job in undertaking the "three major projects", special national debt and other policies, strive for more bank credit to be invested in Qixia, and improve the capital operation ability; Effectively control the supply chain risk, financial debt risk and safety production risk of the industrial chain, ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the region, and improve the safety prevention and control ability.

In terms of the industrial environment, we will continue to deepen the "non meeting approval (service)", be tolerant and prudent to new industries and new formats, and stimulate market vitality with "leniency"; We will continue to optimize business environment policies, further "loosen constraints, reduce burdens and empower enterprises", and maintain market fairness with "good management"; We will continue to play the role of the industry chain strengthening special class linked by the leaders of the three districts and led by functional departments, constantly optimize the "Seven Ones" working system, make good use of mature mechanisms such as "solve problems first, then" and achieve business entities with "excellent service".

At the new start of the new year, the whole district of Qixia will further focus its thoughts and energy on projects, industries and development, forge new quality productivity with greater efforts, accumulate new momentum of development with more practical measures, and fully demonstrate the most beautiful picture of Chinese style modern Qixia practice.

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Jiang Xinping
