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Wang Sheng: Strive to run out of the Qinhuai acceleration of "a strong city in industry"

2024-02-21 09:52

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter

Tian Shiyu, Yan Ling, Correspondent Qin Xuan

"Just after the Spring Festival, the municipal party committee and the municipal government held the city's new industrialization and industry strengthening city promotion conference with an aggressive attitude of" the first meeting of the Spring Festival ", which fully demonstrated the bright direction and firm determination of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to focus on industrial development." On February 20, Wang Sheng, secretary of the Qinhuai District Party Committee, director of the Southern New Town Management Committee and secretary of the Party Leadership Group, said in an interview, The conference closely focused on the "3610" goals and tasks determined by the plenary session of the municipal party committee, put forward the goal of "striving to make the new quality productivity the most distinctive symbol of Nanjing's high-quality development", and on this basis, it focused on three aspects of "stimulating the new advantages of the new quality productivity, cultivating the new momentum of the new quality productivity, and creating a new ecology of the new quality productivity" to accelerate the development of the new quality productivity It is forward-looking, targeted and instructive to make a comprehensive and systematic deployment to promote new industrialization and the construction of a strong industrial city. Qinhuai District will fully implement the spirit of this meeting, and strive to contribute to Qinhuai's efforts in promoting new industrialization and building a strong industrial city with the drive of the dragon leaping forward and the tiger leaping forward.

As the central urban area of "special and refined, the most Nanjing", Qinhuai has scientifically laid out four major industrial functional blocks, namely Baixia High tech Zone, Old Town South, Xinjiekou, and Southern New Town, based on the existing resource endowment, development foundation, and comparative advantage, forming an industrial development pattern with distinctive characteristics and advantages. Since last year, Qinhuai District has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the municipal party committee to strengthen the city by industry, based on the functional positioning of the four major sectors, continued to make efforts in the development of characteristics, differentiation and agglomeration, and the highlights and effects of industrial development have been emerging. It is embodied in "three new".

Scientific and technological innovation unleashes "new momentum". As the smallest urban area in the province, Qinhuai adheres to innovation driven development, actively works as a "ashram" in the shell of snails, and strives to find a new path for innovative development of old cities. We firmly promoted new industrialization and continued to improve the quality and efficiency of industrial space. Last year, the urban industrial output value was 28.7 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9% year on year. We successfully introduced Hecheng Advanced Manufacturing Project and achieved the first "industrial building" in the district. Efforts were made to improve the quality and efficiency of innovation subject cultivation, and actively promote the digital transformation of key enterprises and the agglomeration of digital industries. Last year, there were 5 new "small giant" enterprises specialized in special new technologies at the national level, 25 specialized new technologies at the provincial level, and 72 industrial enterprises above the designated size were fully covered by digital transformation.

The leading industry glows with "new vitality". Qinhuai is a large area of traditional service industry. It insists on strengthening the leading industry, accelerating transformation and upgrading, and constantly improving the level of high-end and modern industries. Actively integrate into the construction of Nanjing as an international consumption center city, accelerate the functional upgrading of Xinjiekou Business District and the innovation of consumption formats. Last year, 93 first stores and flagship stores of all kinds were introduced, 214 new consumption scenarios were added, and the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 6.5%. We continued to expand the supporting role of the financial industry and vigorously expanded the financial industry chain characterized by consumer finance, digital finance, cultural finance, etc. Last year, the financial industry achieved a revenue of 115 billion yuan, up 12% year on year. We will continue to deepen the integrated development of culture, business and tourism, give full play to the advantages of rich historical and cultural resources, and constantly endow traditional culture with new era connotation and modern expression forms. By 2023, we will achieve a total tourism revenue of 86 billion yuan, close to 1/4 of the city's total tourism revenue. This year, the Qinhuai Lantern Festival was selected as the main venue for "lighting up the Chinese light" - the Lantern Festival in the Year of the Dragon to welcome the Spring Festival. The total number of tourists received by the whole region during the Spring Festival holiday reached 4.8 million, an increase of 76% and 36% respectively compared with 2019 and 2023.

The project has achieved "new promotion". Deeply implement the "No. 1 Project" for investment promotion, focus on leading enterprises in leading industries and subdivisions, and vigorously carry out door-to-door investment promotion and targeted investment promotion. Last year, 11 projects worth more than 1 billion yuan were introduced, 23 headquarters enterprises, and 185 projects worth more than 100 million yuan were signed. We firmly grasped the "bull's nose" of major projects and comprehensively strengthened factor guarantee. Last year, we completed 15 new projects and 17 completed projects. Major projects at the provincial and municipal levels reached a super chronological progress. Over 36 billion yuan of fixed asset investment was completed in the whole year, up 17.9% year on year.

How to layout the industrial development and further contribute to the industrial strength of the city? Wang Sheng introduced that this year, Qinhuai District will conscientiously implement the spirit of this meeting, speed up the implementation of the "4+3+4" modern service industry action to strengthen the district, and firmly fight the initiative of grasping industry, strengthening economy and promoting development. Focus on "four enhancements":

Strengthen innovation driven development. Qinhuai District will continue to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, further improve the spatial layout of "one park, one lane and two bay areas", build a technology public service platform, and attract more high-quality scientific and technological enterprises to settle in accordance with the latest requirements for the development of new quality productivity. Integrate industrial land and idle factory buildings, focus on product design, technology development, system integration and assembly, accelerate the technological transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, improve the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain supply chain, and promote the "upstairs development" of urban industries.

Strengthen support for leading industries. Qinhuai District will focus on stimulating potential consumption, continuously renovate the central and Xinbai commercial complexes, launch a number of high-end commercial projects such as Jinling Central, and create more new growth points for business development. We will accelerate the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure, further revise and improve the support policies in response to the challenges faced by the financial, real estate and other industries, and vigorously plan for new business types and models. We will continue to do a good job in the integration of culture, business and travel, launch a new round of improvement actions in Confucius Temple and Mendong, accelerate the construction progress of projects such as the Yuecheng Tiandi and the West Five Huali, and promote the "gold resources" to produce "gold benefits".

We will strengthen the cultivation of emerging industries. Qinhuai District will focus on the Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles and other competitive tracks, open a number of digital application scenarios in key industries and industrial parks, and promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. Accelerate the implementation of a number of landmark projects such as the autonomous driving demonstration zone and the artificial intelligence industrial building in the southern new city, and strive to create a national and provincial strategic emerging industrial cluster. Focusing on the application of achievements in the field of meta universe, the transformation of artificial intelligence technology and other fields, we will continue to make efforts to advance the layout of a number of future industries.

Strengthen accurate and efficient services. Qinhuai District will adhere to the principle of "no matter what happens, no matter what you ask, no matter what you want, no matter what you need", make full use of preferential policies, carry out regular enterprise visits, provide full life cycle services around financing, law, marketing, logistics, employment and other aspects, and create a good environment to help the development and growth of the industry.

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Jiang Xinping
