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"One Hundred Days and Ten Million Days" is further strengthened to lead the future for youth "career"

2024-06-13 11:15

On June 11, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2024 Hundred Days Ten Million Recruitment Special Action, with the theme of "career guiding the future, building a dream youth", and used 100 days to provide more than ten million jobs for college graduates and other groups, helping college graduates and all kinds of workers to find jobs.

The employment of college graduates connects the country and society at one end and thousands of families at the other. In the first quarter, the average unemployment rate of the national urban survey was 5.2%, down 0.3 percentage points over the same period of the previous year. The employment situation is generally stable, but the job of stabilizing and promoting employment cannot be relaxed. As a key group of employment, college graduates have always been the top priority in stabilizing employment. Data shows that the number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210000 over 2023. At present, the graduation season of colleges and universities is also worth five "window periods" for employment. The "hundred days and ten million days" will be strengthened, and we will take concrete actions to fully promote graduates to find jobs early and get good jobs.

Position resources are very important in the future of career guidance. Actively connect with key enterprises, government investment projects, industrial parks, etc., and collect a batch of urgently needed job information; Timely grasp the vacancy situation of grass-roots institutions, grass-roots service projects, grass-roots management and social services, and widely collect a batch of recruitment (employment) post information; Mobilize operational human resources service institutions, industry associations, and social organizations to participate widely, and focus on screening a batch of job information suitable for college graduates' academic level and skill level. From June to September, more than ten million jobs will be provided. "One hundred days, ten thousand days" will be based on the jobs, providing college graduates with "reassurance" for employment.

To build a dream of youth, we must see strength, sincerity and excellent service. Activities such as "live broadcasting and post taking by theme, industry and group", "cross provincial and cross regional linkage live broadcasting and post taking", and "Director of Human Resources and Social Security (Employment) enters the live broadcasting room" were held to strengthen job hunting and recruitment services. On line, special areas are set up on several recruitment network platforms, and offline, many special recruitment activities are carried out, including industrial, special and group recruitment activities. At the same time, we will integrate resources and interact with each other to mobilize multiple industry associations and market service agencies to participate in the whole process. The "One Hundred Days, Ten Million Days" strengthening target is to make efforts to implement policies and efficiently connect supply and demand, which is bound to effectively promote the "two-way rush" of employment supply and demand and improve employment efficiency.

Work hard for a long time to obtain employment and promote the "steady happiness" of college graduates. In the graduation season, we need to seize the time window, find ways to optimize service publicity, and promote high-quality and full employment of college graduates. We are glad to see the "Ten Million Days" going further, but we should also recognize that the employment of college graduates is not achieved overnight. The government departments have launched a list policy "service package" by category, the human resources and social security departments have improved the "matching degree" of employment information supply, the whole society has helped expand the "reservoir" of employment, and college graduates have actively moved towards the "employment road". Gather the joint efforts of galloping and ceaseless, so that the youth of struggle can better go to the future, and shine brilliantly.

Employment, which affects the sense of gain, happiness and security of college graduates, is not only an economic problem, but also a social problem, as well as a political problem. "One hundred days and ten million" will be strengthened, and the cohesion will pave the "Sunshine Avenue" for college graduates' employment; It will lead to the future for the youth "job", and will also provide support for high-quality development. (Wei Ning)

Source: Editor: Yang Qinwen
