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"Three Increase" of Summer Grain, Cohesion "Millet of One Field" and "Chinese Rice Bowl"

2024-06-12 11:59

In the "three summers" season, golden joy spreads from south to north China. The national wheat harvest has reached nearly 80%, and the summer planting has reached 40%. At present, through new technologies and measures, all regions have made solid efforts to promote the production of three summers, and have made every effort to promote the return of the first batch of grain grains in summer. In Jiangsu this year, wheat production increased in area, per unit area and total output, steadily delivering "millet in one field" for food security.

Everything is leisurely, and eating is important. China is a large country with a large population. Solving the problem of eating well has always been the top priority in governing the country. China's grain output has been stable at more than 1.3 trillion jin for nine consecutive years, ensuring the security of domestic grain supply. "China's rice bowl" is stable and firmly in our hands, which cannot be separated from the speed, strength and effectiveness of work in various production areas. Jiangsu is one of the 13 major grain producing provinces in China. With 3.8% of the country's arable land, it produces 1/20 of the country's grain output. In recent years, Jiangsu has made great strides in ensuring food security, with high yield and high quality of grain taking the lead.

The key to the cohesion of "millet in one field" and the stability of "China's rice bowl" is to really work hard and see the results. At present, Jiangsu has a good harvest of wheat from south to north, harvesting mechanization and grain storage intelligence make grain grains return to the warehouse. According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Jiangsu Province, the mechanized harvest of "three summers" in Jiangsu has reached its peak. As of June 7, 19.24 million mu of wheat had been harvested across the province, with a harvest progress of 54%, of which 19.19 million mu had been harvested mechanically, with a mechanical yield of 99.7% and nearly 3 million tons of dried grain. One million sets of agricultural machines and tools of various types were prepared in the province, including 145000 large and medium-sized tractors, 120000 combine harvesters, 110000 rice transplanters and 35000 dryers. This year's scene is the witness of the perennial scene of storing grain in the ground and technology in Jiangsu, and the scene of Jiangsu is the epitome of the whole region struggling to fill the "granary of great powers".

The picture of wheat harvest is spreading, and science and technology are marching forward bravely. In Nixiang Village, Jintan, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, the golden wheat field and the green rice field that nurtured hope presented a production scene of "wheat and rice in the same frame". Behind this is the supply and marketing cooperatives in Jiangsu Province, which have integrated the resources of more than 700 rural outlets that go from village to household, and built 352 agricultural service centers in a centralized way. Through accurate matching and docking of big data, from sowing, field management, harvesting to post natal drying, all agricultural services can reach the field in a quarter of an hour. Science and technology endow people with energy, lift the "cloud" and drive the "number", which complement the hard work of people, and describe the gratifying trend of "three increases" of summer grain. A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only when agriculture is strong can the country be strong. Looking at the whole country from Jiangsu, there is plenty of momentum to rally the "millet in one field" and secure the "Chinese rice bowl".

The "three increases" of summer grain are gratifying, and we need to work harder to change "good harvest" into "good income". Entering the summer grain purchase stage, the bumper harvest needs to be increased. To ensure the purchase of summer grain, capital is indispensable. Zhangjiagang Food Industry Development Co., Ltd. has implemented the purchase fund of about 210 million yuan, so that the majority of farmers can get their hands on food and money. Jiangsu Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China has invested 3 billion yuan in summer harvest loans to ensure timely and sufficient credit funds for rotation of grain reserves at all levels. The grain is planted by farmers. If there is a sweet spot, there will be enthusiasm. If there is enthusiasm, there will be a strong supply. The price of increased output is "high", the service of autumn grain purchase is "excellent", scientific and technological grain storage guarantees "quality" and "quantity", ensures farmers' "pocketbook", and holds "China's rice bowl" firmly.

A bumper harvest of grain in summer and initiative throughout the year. The field of ceaseless struggle and hope extends the gratifying scene of "three increases" of summer grain from wheat growing in the field to the "granary of a big country", gathers the "millet of one field" to firmly hold the "Chinese rice bowl", keeps the "big man of the country" of food security, stabilizes the overall situation of people's minds, inspires the spirit and drive, and has a full confidence in promoting the construction of Chinese style modernization. (Wei Ning)

Source: Editor: Yang Qinwen
