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Protect cultural relics to nourish the foundation of cultural inheritance and development

2024-06-08 09:25

June 8 is China's 2024 Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. This year's theme is "protecting cultural relics and inheriting civilization".

Those who seek the wood's strength must consolidate its root; If you want to flow far away, you must dredge the spring. "Where do we come from?" Standing in the Milky Way of Chinese civilization, 767000 immovable cultural relics and 108 million pieces/set of state-owned movable cultural relics all over the land of China answered this question. They connect the historical context and show the evolution of Chinese civilization for more than 5000 years. From the pottery, stone and bronze unearthed from Liangzhu Site, Erlitou Site and Yin Ruins Site, we can see the code of the origin of Chinese culture; From the magnificent momentum of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty, you can feel the heroic spirit of "the King of Qin sweeping the Six Harmonies"; Experience the splendid culture of the Tang Dynasty from the glitter of the tri colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

Cultural relics have their own spring and autumn. Through historical and cultural heritage, people witness history and learn from history. In today's world where exchanges and conflicts among civilizations coexist, the significance of protecting cultural relics lies not only in deeply feeling the vicissitudes of history and preserving historical memory, but also in forming historical consciousness, feeling the glory of history and strengthening historical self-confidence. It can be said that the protection of cultural relics is to protect the endless roots of the Chinese national spirit.

It is gratifying to note that in recent years, China has continued to strengthen the protection of cultural relics. 62000 pieces (sets) of precious cultural relics and unearthed cultural relics in the museum collection, such as Confucian archives and Chu slips of the Warring States Period, have been restored, and the construction of standardized warehouses for museums has been basically completed; At the same time, more and more new technologies have significantly improved China's ability in the field of cultural relics protection, including the protection of ancient murals, ceramic painted cultural relics, waterlogged lacquer and wood ware China's technical level in such fields as environmental monitoring of cultural relics preservation has reached the first level in the world. The "whole chain" improvement of cultural relics' scientific and technological innovation capability is empowering, empowering and glorifying the high-quality development of cultural relics.

The inheritance and development of civilization not only connects modern people with ancient people, but also means passing on from modern people to future generations. Therefore, to better inherit the historical and cultural heritage, we should not only protect and inherit the cultural relics themselves, but also inherit the Chinese wisdom and spirit contained therein, so that people can feel the inheritance of the "endless string songs" in the context of Tang poetry and Song poetry, stir up the feelings of "pragmatism" in the collection of classics and history, and taste "elegance" in the ink painting Only by constantly improving the level of research, interpretation, display and dissemination, mining the multiple values of historical and cultural heritage, better presenting the Chinese history and culture behind them, and expanding the channels and depth of people's perception of history and culture, can we make the inheritance of Chinese civilization lasting.

Based on this, it is also the proper meaning of protecting cultural relics to let them "speak" and "live and touch". A series of excellent programs, such as "China Archaeological Conference", "China National Treasure Conference", "If the National Treasure Can Speak", "I Build Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City", which tell good Chinese stories and show the image of China, are popular among young people. "Cultural and museum tours" are becoming more and more popular. It has become normal for people to spend the Double Seventh Festival, welcome the Mid Autumn Festival and celebrate the New Year in the museum. We also hope that the museum can "open its doors", so that more "museums+" integrating new scenes, new business types and new models can be "unlocked", so as to achieve "two-way travel" with visitors, and lead more visitors to explore the stories behind cultural relics, We will continue to deepen our understanding and love of the history and culture of the Chinese nation.

The more you know, the more you practice. In line with the attitude of being responsible for history, we should conscientiously strengthen the responsibility for cultural relics work, give better play to the important role of cultural relics in demonstrating history, inheriting culture and spreading civilization, use the strength of cultural relics to build the foundation of civilization and write the future of culture. (Liyan)

Source: Long Hu Editor: Xu Wei
