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Dragon Boat Festival Exhibition "New Beauty" Economy "Hot" Power

2024-06-07 12:22

Dragon boat race, fragrant rice dumplings, is also the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon boat racing, zongzi making, sachet making, and realgar lighting, a series of lively activities throughout the country make this Dragon Boat Festival "hot". The "Dragon Boat Festival economy" full of cultural heritage has risen, and the rising festival consumption reflects the full vitality of China's economy.

Dragon Boat Festival is the first traditional festival listed as intangible cultural heritage in China, with a history of more than 2000 years. The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the worship of natural phenomena and was also regarded as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, which covers many aspects, gives it rich cultural connotations. The familiar children's songs tell us the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and also remind us of our inheritance and memory: "May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival; the door is filled with incense; eating dumplings, sprinkling sugar; the dragon boat is launched happily." During the Dragon Boat Festival, the air is filled with the fragrance of calamus and mugwort, and people indulge in the festive atmosphere brought by characteristic folk activities such as dragon boat racing, Realize the inheritance of folk customs from generation to generation in laughter. The Dragon Boat Festival integrates the accumulation of thousands of years into the "pulse of the times", amplifying the pulling effect of traditional festivals on consumption and economy, and thus the traditional culture is full of vitality.

While inheriting the traditional culture, the Dragon Boat Festival commodities have been renewed, driving a substantial increase in festival consumption. Zongzi and wormwood are essential elements of the Dragon Boat Festival. Now they are full of new ideas: this year's Zongzi market has not only welcomed the popularity of traditional tastes such as white rice dumplings and jujube dumplings, but also new tastes such as "coffee brown" and "fruit brown" emerge in endlessly. Dessert type low-temperature dumplings have attracted the attention of young consumers; The new wormwood door hanging with flowers and materials has become the "fashion item" of the Dragon Boat Festival. The "Dragon Boat Festival limit", which has doubled its value due to creativity, has attracted many people to pay the bill. Young people are giving the Dragon Boat Festival a new "sense of ceremony". The taste of zongzi is often "new", wormwood plays "new Chinese style", and cross layers to make the Dragon Boat Festival always look new. Traditional folk customs and innovative elements jointly release consumption potential.

Culture is the soul of tourism. The Dragon Boat Festival holiday continues the "cultural tourism craze" in the first half of this year. The tourist markets in Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing and other cities welcomed early bookings, and various scenic spots in famous cultural cities have rich activities, making them popular destinations for immersive "new Chinese style tours"; The consumption of "national tide" drives the "surrounding tour" of folk towns. The folk custom of Quanzhou, Fujian, and the Han costume parade of Yichang, Hubei, are full of folk custom experience on short trips... Taking the traditional festivals as an opportunity, all regions based on tourists' preferences, dig deep into cultural heritage, expand cultural tourism space in the integration with local folk customs, and make the Dragon Boat Festival travel more "cultural". Tourists prefer cultural tourism experience with richer connotation, which reflects their love for traditional culture; The cultural and tourism market takes advantage of the situation to push forward the old and bring forth the new, drive the upgrading of the vitality of the "Dragon Boat Festival economy", and realize the "two-way rush" of tradition and modernity.

Traditional festivals bring forth the new, and the "Dragon Boat Festival economy" is full of vitality. The innovative folk tradition not only retains the flavor of the festival, but also endows the Dragon Boat Festival with new era connotation. The "ever new" Dragon Boat Festival brings energetic festival consumption and adds a touch of brightness to economic development. (Xiaoyu Yang Qinwen)

Source: Longhu Editor: Xu Zhouyan
