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Cultural Relics "Fresh and Touchable" Museum "Accessible"

2024-05-17 15:14

May 18 this year is the 48th "International Museum Day" with the theme of "museums are committed to education and research".

The museum is an important hall for protecting and inheriting human civilization and a bridge connecting the past, the present and the future. A Simuwu Ding, grand and solemn, brings visitors back to the mysterious and shocking Bronze Age; A sword of Goujian, the King of Yue, is extremely cold. Its exquisite lines show the endless fighting and contention of a hundred schools of thought in the spring and autumn; A beautiful picture of the river during the Qingming Festival can not describe the prosperity and prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty... One thing condenses the culture, and the civilization is decoded in every square inch. A museum is a big school. When you enter the museum, you will see the Chinese civilization that has lasted for five thousand years, and your hands will touch the temperature of history.

Because of this, the cultural relics in the museum have never been a cold collection. They are stories of temperature and a living history. In today's increasingly hot "cultural, museum and tourism", the most important thing to achieve the "two-way rush" between museums and the public and truly "do a good job in museums" is to let cultural relics "speak" and "live".

The activation and utilization of cultural relics not only need to be handed down from generation to generation, but also need to keep pace with the times and innovate bravely. In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the panoramic dynamic version of the Kangxi Southern Tour of the Jiangning Weaving Museum uses the tenth volume as the blueprint to show the prosperity of Nanjing City with the animation of the alternation of day and night; The 3D restored head of the owner "Xi" of the bamboo slips unearthed from the Qin Tomb in the Sleeping Tiger Land is displayed for the first time in the Hubei Provincial Museum; Musicians from the Northern Qi Mural Museum in Taiyuan, Shanxi, reproduced the scene of ancient music performance in the mural "Couple Banquet Picture"... At present, more and more "museums+" integrating new scenes, new formats and new models have been "unlocked", extending unlimited possibilities. 3D printing technology has turned the originally immovable cultural heritage into a "mobile treasure" for cross regional exhibitions. Immersive exhibition technology allows the audience to appreciate in detail the details that are difficult to "touch" in traditional ways of visiting. Wearable devices bring visitors a dreamlike experience of visiting... Present historical civilization with modern creativity, Telling stories about cultural relics, their historical connotation, cultural spirit and contemporary values in a way that is easily accepted and understood by the public will certainly make the public understand and like it, and truly let culture permeate their hearts.

To stimulate the vitality of the museum, it is also necessary to nourish "one space" with "one land and water". The Museum of Southern Song Dynasty Deshou Palace Relics in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, creates an immersive experience on the site, and displays the original appearance and scale of three-dimensional signs, making Song rhyme enter the homes of ordinary people; Shandong Qingzhou Museum invites inheritors of intangible cultural heritage such as paper-cut and clay sculpture to create according to the cultural relics in the museum collection and typical elements of Qingzhou culture, and invites the audience to participate in interaction... On the other hand, unique cultural and creative products have become a part of the museum's strong attraction. A new batch of cute and interesting cultural and creative products, such as "bronze sacrificing cup plush toys" and "pig shaped pottery pot plush toys", have been put on the Nanjing Museum, allowing tourists to "take the museum home"; Henan Museum, with its cultural and creative products, such as archaeological blind boxes, cultural relics restoration masters, and ladies' bands, attracted many visitors in Hong Kong. Only by relying on unique resources to form new advantages can we avoid "one side of a thousand museums" and make museums glow with endless vitality with a "unique" attitude.

The activated cultural relics will surely bring "live" museums. "Going to museums" is becoming a new trend in people's social life, and museums are also infiltrating into people's daily life from all aspects. Invisibly, each of us has become a participant in museums playing a more important role in cultural inheritance and civic education. More people are expected to enter the museum, enjoy the museum's diversified public cultural services, and enjoy the rich "sense of cultural gain" and "sense of cultural happiness" brought by the museum's aesthetic education. (Wu Xiaoxuan, Liu Chenghong)

Source: Editor: Zhang Ling
