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"Speed up" of major projects and vigorous new quality productivity

2024-05-15 11:36

After two years of construction, a major project in Jiangsu Province - Microwell probiotics Phase III strain factory has been officially put into operation in Wujiang District, Suzhou City; Delong Laser Semiconductor and New Energy High end Equipment Project with a total investment of 1.08 billion yuan was recently started in Jiangyin High tech Zone, Wuxi. Develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. With a batch of provincial major high-tech industrial projects being put into production and started, many places in Jiangsu are actively promoting industrial intelligence and high-end to promote high-quality economic development in a "new" way.

If the enterprise is strong, the industry will be strong, and if the industry is prosperous, the development will be prosperous. In the process of promoting high-quality development, the major project is the ballast to expand domestic demand, prevent decline, and maintain stable and rapid economic development. It is the hard support to really lift the beam, while the new quality productivity is an important breakthrough to adjust the structure, promote transformation, and maintain the momentum of leapfrog development. Especially in the current severe economic situation, focusing on "speeding up" the construction of key projects and striving to boost the productivity of new quality is a major matter of national and local development. We should not wait or hesitate to seek "new", improve "quality" and promote major projects. Only by gathering high-quality resource elements, laying out the industrial chain around the development of new quality productivity, further improving the level of project construction, and striving for more projects and funds to settle down, can we better promote the comprehensive development of the economy and society.

Those who do not seek change will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will enter. The key to the "acceleration" of major projects and the prosperity of new quality productivity lies in a deep understanding and accurate grasp of the methodology of "adjusting measures to local conditions", "highlighting the key point of building a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone, taking scientific and technological innovation as the guide, and comprehensively promoting the upgrading of traditional industries, the growth of emerging industries, and the cultivation of future industries." Jiangsu plans ahead and actively layout, In November 2023, the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Future Industries was issued to clearly build a "10+X" future industrial system. Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Changzhou and other places have introduced a number of policies and measures around the future industry, leading the new scene with the supply of cutting-edge technology capabilities, creating new demand, and building the future industrial ecology of the whole chain. The chassis of major projects will be stable only when they are fully equipped.

Major projects drive industrial transformation, which is a "highway" for high-end, intelligent and green development. Seize the golden period of project construction in the second quarter, pay close attention to the unswerving of major projects, more effectively stabilize the stock, expand the quantity, improve the quality, promote the breakthrough of investment attraction, and try every possible way to attract a number of large projects, good projects, and new projects supporting development. We must always be reassured and firmly grasp them everywhere. Strengthen "competition to catch up", adhere to amplify advantages, make breakthroughs towards "new", aim at key links of the industrial chain, take advanced manufacturing industry as the fulcrum, optimize project layout around industrial innovation clusters, cultivate and expand new growth points by levels and classifications, focus on emerging industries to cultivate key products, It will promote the new quality productivity to flourish with high-quality project construction.

The project attracts "more efforts" to promote the "acceleration" of construction. To develop new quality productivity, we should pay attention to the implementation and application of innovative achievements and value transformation. This year's government work report puts "vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces" at the top of all tasks, and proposes "promoting industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation". Innovation achievements should not only stay in the "laboratory", but also become products on the "production line" and commodities in the big market. Not long ago, the XREAL intelligent AR glasses optical display module R&D and manufacturing project with a total investment of 2 billion yuan was settled in Kunshan Development Zone. When the project reaches its capacity, it is expected to produce 3.5 million sets of AR glasses optical modules annually, achieving an annual sales of 10.5 billion yuan. The combination of the development of new quality productivity and industry is accelerating the development to form more investment and industrial increment.

Make efforts to "new" and leap to "quality". Taking advantage of the momentum of major project construction to "speed up", we will bravely explore the "road" to develop new quality productivity, and constantly cultivate new momentum and new advantages for high-quality development. In the future, we will certainly cut the waves and lead the race. (Wei Ning)

Source: Longhu Editor: Ding Tiantian
