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Intensive cultivation of "ocean fertile fields" and building "blue granary"

2024-05-14 12:13

Algae, shrimp, shellfish, fish, ginseng... In the vast sea area of Fujian, "storing food in the sea" is an important way to practice the concept of big food and build a diversified food supply system. In recent years, with the help of marine scientific research, the "marine granary" has become more substantial, and more aquatic products have been put on the people's table.

Food security is "the biggest of the country". General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "China is a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. To solve the problem of eating well and ensure food security, we should establish a big food concept. We should ask for food from both the land and the sea, cultivate the sea, herd and fish, and build marine pastures and 'blue granaries'." In the context of national food security and building a maritime power, we should ensure national food supply It is high time to optimize the diet structure, promote the healthy development of marine fisheries, practice the concept of "big food", correspond to the "green granary" on the land, concentrate on "marine fertile fields", build a "blue granary", build a diversified food supply system, and secure China's rice bowl.

Marine fishery is an important source of meat protein food in China and even in the world. It is a trillion yuan global big consumption industry. The total sea area of China is about 4.73 million square kilometers, and the existing mariculture area is 31.11 million mu. The vast ocean contains huge potential for food resources. In recent years, from the introduction of the first national standard for the construction of marine ranching, to the inclusion of "optimizing the layout of offshore green aquaculture, building marine ranching, and developing sustainable pelagic fisheries" in the 14th Five Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Outline, China's "blue granary" construction has taken rapid steps. A few days ago, the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the Notice on Optimizing the Management of Aquaculture Sea Use, to build a high-quality "blue granary" and start a new process.

Cultivate deep in the blue sea, and sing fishing songs. Data shows that at present, China has become the world's largest fishery country, and aquaculture products account for more than 60% of the world's aquaculture output. The "ocean fertile fields" are not inexhaustible. They should be built, used and managed well. The Rudong Base of Jiangsu Marine Fisheries Research Institute has successively captured more than 10 kinds of high economic value fish species, such as large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker, from the coastal natural sea areas of Jiangsu Province for living conservation, and has established a resource pool for live delivery of Jiangsu characteristic marine fish. Economically and intensively develop and utilize marine resources, strengthen marine ecological protection, do a good job in combining utilization and protection, and highlight intensive cultivation to make the "Blue Granary" continue to yield and harvest.

Cultivating the sea, herding and fishing rely on the power of science and technology. To strengthen marine ecological protection, promote the high-quality development of aquaculture, ensure the supply of mariculture products, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of aquaculture producers, it is not only necessary to rely on the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Sea Area Use, the Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China and other regulations, but also inseparable from the support of scientific and technological innovation. The key to developing deep-sea aquaculture and strengthening the marine economy is science and technology. Deep sea aquaculture supported by mechanization, automation and intelligent equipment technology is an important way to cultivate the sea, herd and fish, and build a "blue granary". With strong equipment and good technology, the mariculture industry can continue to upgrade, and the industrial development will have enough stamina.

There are "green waters and green mountains" and "golden mountains and silver mountains" in the sea. Develop in protection, protect in development, and play the ocean idyll of "ploughing deep into the blue, striving to become stronger toward the sea". Let's sing the strong voice of "ploughing hard into the ocean fertile fields", and promote the foundation of "blue granary" to be stable and accelerate its rise. (Xu Nan)

Source: Longhu Editor: Ding Tiantian
