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Red gene inheritance through red tourism "report card"

2024-03-01 11:32

Revolutionary Holy Land, Red Site, Revolutionary Historic Memorial Site... During the Spring Festival this year, not only the popular business district scenic spots were crowded by tourists, but red cultural tourism continued to "circle fans" throughout Jiangsu, and handed in a satisfactory "report card" of red tourism for the Spring Festival. According to statistics, 11 demonstration projects of integrated development of red tourism in the province received 3.69 million tourists during the Spring Festival holiday, achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 1.00874 billion yuan; The 11 Jiangsu Red Tourism Integrated Development and Cultivation Projects have received 1.18 million tourists in total and achieved a comprehensive tourism income of 71.08 million yuan.

Do not forget the historical heritage. During the Spring Festival holiday of the Year of the Dragon, Jiangsu has closely integrated the excellent traditional Chinese culture, red culture and tourism activities. Through organizing a series of activities with rich content and diverse forms of red culture, such as "celebrating the New Year in the memorial hall", red research, etc., many red scenic spots in Jiangsu have turned into "red culture classrooms", It has effectively attracted tourists to participate in the experience, not only making red landmarks welcome tourists everywhere, but also injecting profound cultural and historical connotation into the traditional Spring Festival.

According to the data released by the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre of Japanese Invaders, about 222000 people visited the museum during the Spring Festival holiday. Zhou Enlai Memorial Site has received more than 800000 tourists in total. From a statistical perspective, during the Spring Festival this year, not only did the red tourism market in our province get off to a good start, but in fact, compared with previous years, the number of tourists received by classic red tourism scenic spots across the country has also increased significantly, which can be said that red tourism throughout the country has shown a "hot hot" scene. For example, the National Red Tourism Classic Scenic Spot in Harbin, the Museum of Criminal Evidence of the Japanese Invaders' 731 Force, has maintained a high frequency of visits this winter; Zunyi City, Guizhou Province received 979900 red tourists during the Spring Festival, an increase of 125.75% year on year.

In recent years, red tourism has shown a trend of "exploding" in both peacetime and holidays, so why can red tourism continue to "circle fans"? In addition to the expanding connotation and increasing attraction of red tourism culture, people have more sympathy for red culture in spirit. People's desire to learn revolutionary history and feel revolutionary culture is increasingly strong. Everyone hopes to feel the temperature of history by reviewing history, especially to sow "red seeds" in children's hearts. As Kan Minghui, a Tianjin tourist who came to Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province during the Spring Festival, said, "Xuzhou is a hot spot for red tourism, so take your children to learn about red history and Xuzhou history."

Through the "blowout" phenomenon in the red tourism market during the Spring Festival this year, we can't help thinking about how long this festive red tourism scene can last in the face of the current trend of diversification, youth and parent-child development of red tourism groups in China, and how to make this rare red fever continue after the "boom"? It is important to pay attention to inheritance. In fact, over the years, all parts of the country have been exploring the precious wealth of red culture in combination with their own reality. In Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, "Jiaolong Attack - Naval Knowledge Theme Exhibition" combed the symbols of "dragon" in modern navy. Yimeng Old Street, which is the key building of Linyi City, Shandong Province, allows tourists to immerse themselves in the "Anti war Song" all day long. Jinzhai County, Anhui Province plays the red melody in combination with the traditional customs.

To realize today's happy life, we need to string vivid red cultural symbols into a line, and let the red culture continue to infiltrate the hearts of people through continuous red blood. (Jiang Huisheng)

Source: Editor: Gao Ying
