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Jiangning, Nanjing: Grasping the busy time of rice seedling raising and preparation

2024-05-15 14:25

Long Hu News (Correspondent Zhang Juan, Zhang Xian, Jiang Shiyao, reporter Li Ying) In early summer, in the vast fields of Jiangning, Nanjing, there is a busy scene. Farmers seize the agricultural time to carry out rice seedling raising.

Early in the morning, the factory seedling center in Chunhua Modern Agricultural Demonstration Park was busy. On the seedling machine, the workers put out plates, loaded soil, added grain seeds, piled plates, and laminated, with tacit understanding. It is understood that the seedling breeding center can meet the needs of 5000 mu of field seedlings around. The main rice variety planted this year is Ningxiangjing No. 9, which has the characteristics of high quality, good taste, early maturity, disease and insect resistance, and high yield. It is also the main variety of national geographical indication agricultural product "Tuqiao rice". This year, Chunhua Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park also cooperated with Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other scientific research institutions to introduce and promote new varieties, further improve the yield and quality of rice, and enhance the brand influence of "Tuqiao Rice".

This month, Jiangning District ushered in the peak of centralized rice seedling raising. "Good seedlings can be produced by good planting, and rice seedlings can be grown for half a year". Whether the rice yield can achieve the expected goal or not, it is crucial to cultivate strong seedlings at the right age. In recent years, rice machine transplanting has been fully accepted by large-scale farmers. According to statistics, Jiangning District has a total of 78 sets of rice seedling raising assembly lines/seedling raising seeders. Centralized seedling raising using mechanized seedling raising mode can effectively improve the quality of seedlings and the level of mechanized transplanting.

This year, the area of rice in Jiangning District is expected to reach 290000 mu, and the area of centralized seedling raising and machine planting is about 246200 mu. The proportion of centralized seedling raising is about 84.9%, about 4.5% higher than last year. At present, the work of rice seedling raising in Jiangning District has been carried out in succession. At the same time, Jiangning District has innovated the seedling raising matrix, demonstrating the use of straw matrix blocks and asbestos as the seedling raising matrix. The new seedling raising matrix is more convenient, lighter, and better packing.

"Good seeds produce good seedlings, and the yield of good seeds is high". Jiangning District scientifically selects good varieties, and selects high yield and quality varieties according to stubble and variety characteristics. In addition to conventional rice varieties, early maturing late japonica varieties such as Nanjing 5055, Ningxiangjing 9, Wuxiangjing 9127, and Ruoyu 7276 are selected. Jiangning District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau has specially set up a technical guidance group for rice machine transplanting and seedling raising to carry out various technical trainings, guide and coordinate technical problems in production, publicize and popularize seedling raising technology, promote rice production and ensure food security.

Source: Longhu.com Editor: Zhang Ling
