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46916000 messengers of Chinese civilization in the museum

2024-05-17 21:20

In China, there are 6565 museums. If you look at a museum every day, it may take nearly 18 years to visit museums all over the country. As of 2022, 46.916 million cultural relics have been collected by museums all over the country. They are unique in number, types, scope and achievements, and are the messengers of civilization left to us by our predecessors. Opening the National List of Precious Cultural Relics, magnificent civilization and concentrated time come together. We collect and treasure all the things that witness civilization and life. The long river of history rushes past us. Now, let's embark on a 10000 year journey of civilization exploration!

Planner Kan Chunyu

Video | Yao Shuting

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics, National Museum Annual Report Information System (2022), and the comprehensive administrative platform of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage

Source: CCTV Network Editor: Hang Cheng
