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Overwarning flood may occur in some rivers in the Pearl River and Yangtze River basins

2024-05-17 14:35

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 16 - The Ministry of Water Resources released a flood report on the 16th, saying that due to the impact of the mobile heavy rainfall process that will occur in the near future, some rivers in the Pearl River and Yangtze River basins will experience flooding, and some rivers in the rainstorm area may experience over warning floods.

The Ministry of Water Resources will discuss and judge the recent rain, water and flood conditions on the same day. It is predicted that from May 17 to 20, there will be a mobile heavy rainfall process in South China, the eastern and southern parts of Southwest China, and the southern part of Jiangnan, among which there will be heavy rain in central and eastern Guangxi, northern and eastern Guangdong, southern Hunan, and southwestern Jiangxi. Under its influence, the Xijiang River, Beijiang River, Hanjiang River, southern Guangxi and coastal rivers in eastern Guangdong in the Pearl River basin, Chishui River and Wujiang River, tributaries in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin, Xiangjiang River of the Dongting Lake system in the middle reaches, the upper reaches of Yuanjiang River and Ganjiang River of the Poyang Lake system in the upper reaches of the Poyang Lake system, etc. will be subject to water rising process, and the super alarm flood may occur in the sub rivers in the rainstorm area.

The flood situation report shows that the relevant water conservancy departments are paying close attention to the weather changes, strengthening monitoring and forecasting, consulting and judging, releasing early warning information in a timely manner, scientifically and accurately regulating the river basin flood control engineering system, focusing on the key links such as safe flood prevention of reservoirs, flood prevention of small and medium-sized rivers and mountain torrents, implementing the "response" mechanism for disaster early warning, and fully guaranteeing the safety of people's lives and property.

Source: Xinhua News Agency Editor: Zhang Rongrong
