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Convenience of shared parking, convergence of governance, and joint efforts This year, the city added more than 18000 shared parking spaces

2023-12-19 07:18

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter Zhang Anqi

In recent days, Ye Jiawei, the urban management director of Wulaocun Sub district, Qinhuai District, has been traveling between the unit and New Century Plaza to communicate and confirm the increase of shared berths. "After the active coordination of the street, we will take some of the new parking spaces from the reconstruction of the parking lot to the surrounding residents to share parking," said Ye Jiawei.

Sharing parking is one of Nanjing's innovative practices in deepening the Party building and leading grassroots governance in recent years. Focusing on coordinating resources and jointly governing and sharing, Nanjing strives to solve the "urban disease" of "parking difficulty", so that more citizens can feel real changes in their daily travel. This year, the city has added more than 18000 shared berths, and the situation of "one berth is hard to find" is gradually easing.

Parking space squeezed out

Recently, Diao Weiqun, a citizen, found a "treasure parking lot" when he accompanied his family to Gulou Hospital to see a doctor. The parking lot newly built in Xiaofanqiao was formerly a deserted corner. After reconstruction, 34 berths were squeezed out.

The main means to alleviate the "parking difficulty" in the old urban areas is to excavate the increment to the limited space. In the large area around the south where hospitals, schools gather and online stores are numerous, people want to park only by "robbing". Those who can't get "robbing" have to stick to their guns and stop and place them in disorder. Traffic jams have become a common occurrence.

In order to thoroughly solve this problem, the Party Working Committee of Hunan Road Sub district took the lead in establishing a party building alliance, integrating colleges, businesses, residents, property companies and other forces to participate in the parking order rectification work. The rectification started from "subtraction". The area has successively cancelled some street facing berths on Hankou Road, Tianjin Road, Jinyin Street, etc., set guardrails and separation piles along the line, opened up slow space, implemented separation of people and vehicles, and solved the problems of mixed road vehicles and non vehicles, and disordered parking order from the source.

There is no parking space on the street. Where can I park? The street turns its attention to the large units within its jurisdiction. In the working day of Zifeng Mansion, there are few people, and the vacancy rate of underground parking lot is high. On the contrary, the Gulou Hospital not far away has a large demand for patients' parking during the day, and the hospital's own parking spaces cannot meet the demand. In order to better integrate resources, the sub district gave full play to the role of the "big working committee", took the initiative to communicate and coordinate on the door-to-door, and played a role in bridging the party organizations of two units in different industries and different affiliations.

Finally, both parties reached an agreement that Zifeng Building will provide more than 300 parking spaces for medical staff, while the internal parking lot of the hospital will give way to medical vehicles. In the "addition" of expansion, the street enlivens idle resources, including Xiaofanqiao parking lot and the small square at No. 48 Hankou Road. More urban space has been integrated and reconstructed. With the parking lot of the underground civil air defense project of Nanjing University Suzhou Zhejiang Stadium to be built and put into use in the near future, the surrounding parking space will be more abundant.

Also squeezed out are 678 public parking spaces located in Lianhua, Jianye District and Zhonghe affordable housing districts, one of the largest affordable housing districts in the city. The Party Working Committee of Shazhou Street has made full use of the vacant space, such as the corner near Lianhua North Garden, the northeast corner of Lianhua South Garden, the police station, and the roadside green space of Gujiacun Community, to release a batch of parking resources. Even in the affordable housing area with large population density, parking is more guaranteed.

Staggered time and peak "break" the mechanism courtyard wall

The difficulty of parking at night is the focus of people's anxieties and anxieties. Therefore, our city actively guides government agencies, enterprises and public institutions at all levels to participate in the sharing of parking resources. The Municipal Urban Management Bureau printed and distributed the Opinions of All Districts on the Development of a Three Year (2023-2025) Implementation Plan for Parking Resource Sharing, giving full play to the city, district and street (town) linkage effect under the leadership of the Party organization, which will be decentralized Unbalanced parking resources are integrated and opened to the public at weekends, nights and other non working hours.

As early as 2021, the Municipal Urban Management Bureau opened the office yard of the Bureau at No. 65 Zhanjiang Road as the first batch of shared parking pilot to the public, driving the government agencies, enterprises and institutions at all levels to "break the wall". Today, "parking in the office compound after work" has become a unique landscape of people's livelihood. In Pukou District alone, there are 100 parking places for government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and 3204 parking spaces open to the public, of which 78 are open all day. With the District Urban Management Bureau located in the core area of the old city of Pukou as the center, a "shared parking convenience circle" with 509 parking spaces will be built to make it convenient for residents in many old neighborhoods nearby.

As an important content for provincial and municipal authorities to carry out "co construction in the same city", on October 23 this year, the Provincial Authority Affairs Management Bureau took the lead in deploying and launching the first batch of pilot work to moderately open the resources of provincial party and government offices to the society. At present, 9 offices in Gulou District are opening steadily. Yang Xiqiang, Director of Gulou District Urban Management Bureau, said: "20 berths of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development have been shared at the wrong time, 8 shared berths of the Provincial Department of Education have been completed, and the sharing work of 7 offices, including the Provincial Office Affairs Administration, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance, is also in progress in an orderly manner."

"Enjoy" with one touch of your finger

In order to make shared parking "within reach", the Municipal Urban Management Bureau has built a "1+N" platform for smart parking around parking resource sharing, temporary road parking, public record parking and other services, and integrated the "Ning Parking" app with "My Nanjing", so that citizens can not only find parking resources such as parking spaces, charging piles, gas stations and other parking resources, but also apply for shared parking spaces online.

"On the home page of 'Ning Parking' APP, click 'Shared Parking', select 'Shared Parking', and you can find out the relevant information about the shared parking lot of government agencies, enterprises and institutions within 6 kilometers, including the address, opening hours and charging standards. Then select the parking lot you want to go to, click "Share Application" and fill in the name, license plate number, telephone number and other information. It is expected that within 5 working days, the management will complete the review, and citizens will be able to use it after paying online or offline. " Yang Yang, deputy director of the parking facilities management office of the city management bureau, told reporters.

It is understood that at present, about 83000 road parking dynamic information, more than 560 government agencies, enterprises and institutions share open data of parking lots, more than 1600 public record parking lots real-time parking information and a total of more than 665000 parking spaces have all realized online networking, and big data has inserted smart "wings" for urban governance.

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Yang Qinwen
