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[Geological evaluation line] Zijin e-evaluation: promote theme education to go deeper and more practical with great spirit

2023-10-19 18:35

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Jiangxi that we should use the Jinggangshan spirit, the Soviet spirit, and the Long March spirit to temper Party members and cadres, educate and guide them to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, remember their original mission, and actively forge ahead and take on their responsibilities. At present, the second batch of theme education is being solidly promoted. On the basis of summarizing the experience of the first batch of theme education, the majority of party members and cadres should feel the spirit of greatness, draw on the strength of forging ahead, and promote the theme education to go deeper and more practical.

With an ideal mind and a sincere belief in learning, we should use the Jinggangshan spirit to promote theoretical learning into the mind and heart. "Every peak in Jinggangshan has the height of his belief." The reason why a single spark can start a prairie fire is that there are ideals and beliefs as the kindling, which gathers powerful revolutionary forces. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that "ideal and belief are the 'calcium' in the spirit of the Communists. Without ideal and belief, if the ideal and belief are not firm, there will be 'calcium deficiency' in the spirit and 'rickets'". To carry out theme education, Party members and cadres should work hard on learning to build their souls, take out the spirit of "crowding" and "drilling", go deep into systematic learning, with problem-based learning and practical learning, fully understand the scientific system, essence, and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, build the foundation of belief, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thought.

Seeking truth and pragmatism, working hard, and using the Soviet spirit to promote high-quality development. "Promoting high-quality development" is an important focus of theme education, and also an important measure to test the effectiveness of education. Adhering to the principle of emphasizing practice and building new achievements, it is necessary to implement the inspired faith and confidence, comprehend the rules and experience, and learn the thinking methods into the work, improve the ability, and translate them into concrete actions, and strive to achieve the responsibility of doing well to promote development. The majority of Party members and cadres should carry forward the Soviet spirit with the main connotation of seeking truth, pragmatism and hard work, use the five word formula of "deep, practical, detailed, accurate and effective" to carry out in-depth investigation and research, find out the situation, identify the problems, and put forward practical countermeasures, focus on implementation one by one with the spirit of nailing nails, and seek results one by one, so as to solve real problems and solve problems truly, Let the people really feel the new changes and new features brought by the theme education.

Go forward bravely, thoroughly investigate and reform, and use the spirit of the Long March to promote the inspection and rectification to be strict and realistic. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "No matter what step our cause has taken, no matter how great achievements we have made, we must vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Great Long March and continue to forge ahead on the new Long March." On the new journey, there are still many "snow mountains" and "grasslands" to be crossed, and many "Loushanguan" and "Lazikou" to be conquered. To take the new Long March well, we must adhere to self revolution, strictly focus on the theme of education, review and rectify, refine the practical rectification measures, enhance the operability of rectification measures, and draw inferences from one example to another, rectify one by one, touch one by one, eliminate one by one, in the spirit of "sticking to the green mountains and not relaxing" and "hammer after hammer" Do not let go until the problem is solved completely, and ensure that the inspection and rectification can achieve tangible results. (Huang Rui)

Source: China Jiangsu Network Editor: Hang Cheng
