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[Geological Evaluation Line] Xinhua Theory | Do a good job in theoretical study and investigation

2023-10-18 16:10

"We should put practical requirements throughout the whole process of thematic education, resolutely prevent and overcome formalism and bureaucracy" "We should do a good job in theoretical study and investigation, examine and rectify outstanding problems, do a good job in practical matters that benefit the people, promote development with hard work, and win trust from the people". During our recent visit to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements for thematic education, repeatedly emphasizing the word "real", which provided direction guidance and fundamental compliance for us to carry out the second batch of high-quality thematic education.

Theoretical study, investigation and research are important links of this theme education, and also key measures throughout the whole process of theme education. It is one of the most important successful experiences that we have formed in the first batch of thematic education to do a good job of theoretical study and investigation and research, and also "set a good example" for the second batch of thematic education. Compared with the first batch of theme education, the second batch of theme education covers more than 90% of the grass-roots party organizations and party members in the province. They are closer to the front line, closer to the masses, closer to specific issues. Only by promoting these "majority" to consciously arm their minds with Xi Jinping's thinking of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guide practice, and promote work, Only in this way can the Party's innovative theory "fly into the homes of ordinary people". In the second batch of thematic education, it is particularly pertinent and important to emphasize "paying close attention to theoretical learning and investigation and research".

Theoretical learning should be practical, and there is no learning without "reality". We study theory not for cosmetic purposes, but to guide practice and solve problems. Some grassroots cadres are busy with affairs at ordinary times. They think that theoretical learning is not important, or has little to do with their work. They are not motivated enough to learn. They are unwilling to take the time to learn it, or they just skimp on it. After learning a little, they think they have mastered the essentials. It is inevitable that they will make a joke of "puppet exploring the sea". Although grass root work is busy, strengthening theoretical study is just to let the majority of grass root cadres have strong ideological weapons and improve their working ability. From a practical point of view, the reason why some party members and cadres fail to implement their work, take the initiative to deal with problems, and deal with contradictions among the masses is precisely because they do not have a deep understanding of the innovative theory of the Party, know only half of it, and do not really grasp the essence. "Dragonfly skimming the water" learning is doomed to fail to understand the essence of ideology and theory, how can it become the guidance of work and practice? Therefore, Party members and cadres should put "being practical" in the prominent position of theoretical learning, fully carry forward the spirit of "crowding" and "drilling", integrate the whole, focus on the practice, and strive to improve the effectiveness of theoretical learning.

Investigation and research should be practical, and "reality" is the lifeline of investigation and research. Some grass-roots party members believe that investigation and research is a matter for the higher level units. They are at the grass-roots level and are familiar with the grass-roots environment. Investigation and research can not produce anything "new". In fact, people at the grass-roots level do not necessarily understand the working rules at the grass-roots level, and relying too much on experience may also make mistakes. If the investigation and research are not carried out, it may be impossible to see and understand some tendentious problems, arrange work to "pat the head", and only "pat the thigh" if problems occur. Especially in the face of some new situations and problems, if you can't grasp the key points and find the correct acupoints, it may affect the relationship between cadres and masses and damage local development. To do a good job in investigation and research, we should not only be "physically involved" but also "mentally involved". We should work harder in actual effect and less in form. We should go straight to the front line and the scene with the spirit of driving nails. We should dissect the problems found, carefully summarize the experience of solving a problem or even a class of problems, and deepen, understand and improve our work.

The world's problems can only be solved by "reality". Only by putting practical requirements throughout the whole process of thematic education, combining practical theoretical learning with practical investigation and research, constantly strengthening theoretical learning in practice, and experiencing practical tests in learning, can Party members and cadres truly understand the "flavor of truth" in thematic education, improve "housekeeping skills", and do all work well.

Source: Xinhua News Editor: Hang Cheng
