[New World Vision] Hit Longji Green Energy's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and investors "question" the research and development of high-efficiency battery technology

2023-05-19 10:21:40 Source: Securities Daily

In the afternoon of May 18, Longji Lvneng's 2022 annual shareholders' meeting was held in Xi'an. After reviewing all the proposals, more than 100 investors from all over the country had an hour of communication with Li Zhenguo, the founder and president of Longji Lvneng. Among them, the layout and research and development of the company's new battery technology attracted the attention of many investors.

"Improving the conversion efficiency and reducing the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour is the eternal theme of the development of the photovoltaic industry." Li Zhenguo has said many times before that the efficiency of solar cells is the beacon of photovoltaic technology innovation, and the ultimate efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells shows the development potential of photovoltaic technology and the development direction of photovoltaic industry.

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When communicating with investors at the general meeting of shareholders, Li Zhenguo said that after more than ten years of development of the photovoltaic industry, there is little room for technological progress in various links of the industry chain, such as crystal pulling and slicing. The only link that can achieve greater technological progress is the battery link.

Longji Green Energy currently holds several world records in terms of cell conversion efficiency. In particular, in November last year, the conversion efficiency of the heterojunction (HJT) cell independently developed by Longji Green Energy reached 26.81%, breaking the five-year record of silicon solar cell efficiency. Since this year, Longji Green Energy has accelerated the expansion of battery capacity, including both N-type TOPCon battery capacity and HPBC battery capacity.

Regarding the choice of Longji Green Energy's future battery technology route that investors care about, Li Zhenguo said that the company's choice of monocrystalline silicon battery must be the conversion efficiency between 26% and 27%, closer to 27% of the battery technology.

"From the technical point of view, it is not difficult to achieve this mass production conversion efficiency. The difficulty is how to achieve it at a low cost, which is also the goal of Longji Green Energy," said Li Zhenguo.

Li Zhenguo said that TOPCon, IBC and HJT battery technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages when reaching a conversion efficiency of nearly 27%. Longji Green Energy has been seeking breakthroughs in mass production cost reduction.

Li Zhenguo said that he could not disclose the specific time of the launch of the technology, but he said that he was sure to launch it within two years.

So in the past two years, before the new technology is mature, what kind of battery technology will the company adopt in terms of battery technology? In this regard, Li Zhenguo said that the company will mainly use TOPCon and HPBC battery technology, and the specific production capacity will be judged according to the market situation.

"If the PERC battery exits the market soon, the company will upgrade the existing battery production line." Li Zhenguo said that, from the current situation, the economy of HPBC is relatively better, and the original equipment can be upgraded to HPBC production line, its utilization rate can reach 70% to 80%, and the utilization rate of TOPCon can reach more than 60%.

Li Zhenguo said that at this stage, as a distributed product, HPBC is still a very leading and excellent product, but it has not reached the ideal state that the company pursues. At present, Longji Green Energy has not defined it as the ultimate product.

Longji Lvneng also disclosed earlier that the laminated battery is a very promising technology direction. The company has invested a strong R&D force, and the actual R&D achievements are far higher than the publicly released record.

Li Zhenguo said at the shareholders' meeting that the theoretical conversion efficiency of the double junction stack battery can reach 41%. Longji Green Energy will also release the company's latest technology achievements of double junction stack battery at the right time this year.


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