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CBD Fair Brand Express | Juye Intelligent Lighting: redefining lighting and exploring future lighting aesthetics

Source: Jiuzheng Building Materials Network Date of issue: 2022-05-12 10:27:45 Number of views:
[Jiuzheng Building Materials Network] As the world's first exhibition in the large household construction and installation industry, the 2022 China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) will focus on the marketing theme of "resonance on the same frequency, sharing the future", stand at a new historical starting point, resonate with the national strategy, industry iteration, and enterprise development on the same frequency, aggregate the exhibition's advantageous resources, and lead the industry to build a new development pattern.

As large Home Furnishing The 2022 China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), the world's first exhibition in the construction industry, will take "resonance on the same frequency and share the future" as the marketing theme, stand at a new historical starting point, resonate on the same frequency with national strategy, industry iteration and enterprise development, aggregate the exhibition's advantageous resources, and lead the industry to build a new development pattern. In 2022, the exhibition area will exceed 400000 square meters, continue to consolidate the "first platform for champion enterprises", "the first platform for industry investment promotion", "the first platform for innovative ideas", continue to deepen the creation of the industry's "design ecosystem", and help the large household construction industry to achieve high-quality development.

The following shows some exhibitors.

Jul. 8-11, 2022, Juye Intelligent lighting We are looking forward to your arrival at booth 3.1-23 in Zone A of China Construction Expo (Guangzhou)!

The dream of China Construction Expo,

Create the world's first exhibition in the large household construction industry.

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