The money has been sent again. Since September 2023, the work of recalculation and reissue of Shenzhen pension has begun. How can Shenzhen receive subsidies for reissue of pension?

2023-09-09 12:02:15 Source: Lawnet

According to relevant laws and regulations, retirement refers to the retirement procedures approved by the labor department when a worker reaches the statutory retirement age or is unfit to continue working due to physical conditions or working conditions.

(Data picture)

Since September, another group of retirees in Shenzhen will face the recalculation and reissue of pension. When did the pension recalculation and reissue begin? From August 2023 The recalculation and reissue of pensions are mainly aimed at the basic pension and transitional pension of retirees. that Who can not receive the pension retroactive in Shenzhen 2023? How to calculate the retroactive pension of Shenzhen in 2023? Follow XXX to have a look.

1、 From September 2023, under the new rules of pension recalculation and reissue, four categories of people will not be able to participate in the recalculation and reissue.

In the first category, the elderly without legitimate reasons for retirement will not be able to enjoy pensions.

The second category of people who enjoy other social security benefits will also lose their pension eligibility. (such as subsistence allowance, medical aid, etc.)

The third category is those who do not have enough pension insurance.

The fourth type of people, people without labor experience will not be able to participate in pension recalculation.

2、 Recalculation and reissue time of Shenzhen pension

Let's first look at the time of pension recalculation and reissue for retirees in 2023. Is it right to start from August?

The pension of retirees is recalculated and reissued in July and August every year. This is because the local pension base of the year is usually announced at this time. Once the new accrual base is announced, the pension benefits of retirees will be recalculated to ensure its accuracy.

So far, the time has come to the middle of August, and the pension base has not been determined. Therefore, in 2023, the pension recalculation and reissue of retirees should start from August.

three In 2023, Shenzhen's pension will be recalculated. What is the difference between the recalculation and reissue of pension for retirees around September?

one Whether re accounting is required

Many people have a misconception that anyone who retires and receives a pension this year can participate, but this is not the case. It depends on the retirement time and the time when the local accrual base is announced and recalculated.

Here we will talk about why the pension is recalculated, because the basic account part of the basic pension of employees is accounted according to the local base of payment in the current year, the number of years of contribution during my service and the payment index. The base of payment cannot be announced on January 1, but there are retirees every month from January to December of the year, so I retired in January, The reason why people who receive pensions in the next month can still receive pensions before the new data of the base for calculation and payment is that the relevant departments will first calculate a temporary monthly pension standard based on the base for calculation and payment in 2022 to ensure the payment of benefits for retirees.

However, the temporary nature is not formal after all. According to the law of previous years, the base number of the current year is higher than the level of the previous year. Therefore, it will be reissued after re accounting.

However, these preconditions are only needed before the new data is published. During the period from September to December, the data has been published locally. For those who retire later, from retirement, the pension is calculated according to the new data, and can be paid directly. There is no need to go through re accounting, and the pension will be paid again.

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