The sales volume of Mars pickup truck in April was outstanding, with a year-on-year growth of 41.7%

2024-05-18 13:56:22 Source: Today's Hotspot

With the arrival of the May Day golden holiday, cultural and tourism bureaus all over the country have reached a new height: after Harbin and Zibo, many unpopular cities such as Tianshui in Gansu and Liuzhou in Guangxi have become the "top stream", and self driving exploration has increasingly become one of the choices for consumers to travel on holidays. And high-end, passenger oriented pickups are increasingly becoming the first choice for self driving after SUVs: in the industry automobile report released in April this year, the overall sales data of the pickup market showed a downward trend. However, the Mars pickup truck, which focuses on high-end passenger use, went against the current and helped Foton pickup truck achieve a year-on-year growth of 41.7%. Especially in Yunnan and Hubei, the sales volume and share of Mars pickup truck have achieved positive growth on a month on month basis, with a year-on-year growth of 337.1% in Wuhan and 63.3% in Yunnan. Why is the brand so full of "stamina" after a year of listing?

Pickup industry declined year-on-year. Fukuda&Mars took the lead in becoming the first choice for a dynamic city

In April 2024, the insurance data of pickup terminals was 26836, a year-on-year decrease of 7.02% compared with last April. The overall sales volume declined slightly, and the overall market demand momentum was slightly insufficient. In terms of regional sales ranking, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Sichuan ranked the top three with sales data of 2326, 1742 and 1507 respectively. In terms of regional sales growth, front-line and new front-line cities showed full potential: Heilongjiang, Hubei and Shanghai dominated the pickup increment potential list with year-on-year growth rates of 28.2%, 25.3% and 23.6% respectively.

When the industry as a whole is weak, it is not easy for an enterprise to grow against the trend. In the face of insufficient market growth momentum, the head enterprises are also difficult to maintain sales growth, and may decline significantly. According to the data of terminal insurance, in April, the sales of the Great Wall, which ranks first in the pickup truck industry all the year round, declined year-on-year; Zhengzhou Nissan ranks third in the pickup truck industry all the year round, with year-on-year data also declining.

Faced with the weak market situation of pickup truck industry in April, Foton Mars pickup truck bucked the trend of double-digit high growth, leading the industry. According to terminal insurance data, in April, the sales volume of Foton Mars pickup truck was 1107, with a year-on-year growth of 41.7%, ranking first among mainstream pickup truck enterprises and fifth in the pickup truck industry.

One year after listing, it still has great stamina, and high-end passenger orientation has set off a new craze for pickup trucks

In the weak period of the industry, it achieved a double-digit high growth against the trend, which is more due to the precise grasp of market demand by the Mars pickup brand: as more and more cities have adjusted the restrictions on pickup models, the road rights of pickup trucks are gradually equal. At the same time, the slowdown of urbanization makes people more and more eager to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and pursue a broader and more natural outdoor life. Therefore, the spacious, practical and off-road passenger pickup has gradually become the first choice of many consumers. Mars pickup truck has a deep insight into the psychology of a new generation of consumers, raising the banner of "high-end and passenger oriented" national independent pickup truck.

Since the launch of Mars pickup truck in 23 years, Mars 7, Mars 9 and other series of models have quickly met the expectations of the market and consumers. Its full-size body design has a width of nearly 2.1 meters, a wheelbase of more than 3.5 meters, and a length of nearly 5.8 meters, providing passengers with spacious internal space and strong carrying capacity.

In terms of power performance, Mars pickup truck also performs well. It is based on a new generation of full-size pickup platform, equipped with the industry's first 48V diesel hybrid power system. The torque at medium and low speeds is increased to 270 Nm, and the comprehensive torque can reach 450 Nm. It starts quickly without delay, climbs effortlessly, and the fuel consumption of the whole vehicle is reduced by 10%, showing excellent energy efficiency. At the same time, the century old ZF 8AT transmission also makes the driving experience more smooth, in sharp contrast to the mainstream pickup truck.

In addition, the Mars pickup is also equipped with an intelligent real-time four-wheel drive system, and seven driving modes of "mud, sand, snow, sports, standard, economy, and high-speed" are set up to achieve all terrain control, which can provide drivers with a stable and safe driving experience, whether for family travel or field exploration. The excellent product strength makes Mars pickup stand out from other similar products.

The concept of riding is further advanced, and the Mars pickup gasoline version boosts the pickup+

In April this year, the gasoline version of Mars pickup truck was launched, which undoubtedly further demonstrated the upgrade and breakthrough of Mars pickup truck on the road of passenger transformation. The Mars pickup gasoline version not only inherits the previous full-size body+full series plus multi link rear suspension+electric power steering, but also continues to use luxury and comfort in the interior. Large area upholstery, multi-function automatic air conditioning, 14.6-inch central control screen and 12.3-inch LCD dashboard and other configurations are as comfortable and luxurious as SUVs. In addition, the Mars pickup is also equipped with advanced driving assistance systems, such as front collision warning, 360 degree panoramic image and L2.5 level driving assistance system, to provide all-round safety protection for drivers.

The launch of Mars pickup gasoline version has further consolidated its leading position in the full-size pickup market, and is a strong proof of brand strength. Mars pickup brand has realized the layout strategy of "diesel and gasoline dual power" by introducing gasoline models, which not only enriches the product line, but also boosts the sales volume.

Reviewing the process of Mars pickup from "breaking the circle" to "sales increase", this is not only the joint expression of market demand, product advantages and public praise, but also the result of Mars pickup adhering to innovation, pursuing excellence and paying attention to consumer demand. With its deep insight into the pickup market and strict requirements for product quality, Mars Pickup has successfully created products that meet market trends and consumer expectations, and has won widespread recognition in the market.

Looking forward to the future, the Mars pickup truck has once again proved its strength in innovation and technology research and development by virtue of the amazing appearance of the Mars 9 crossing version at the Beijing Auto Show, as well as the newly exposed hand-painted and rendered pictures of new products. At the same time, with the launch of campers and other circle level models, Mars pickup trucks meet the needs of consumers for personalized and diversified travel modes.

We have reason to believe that Mars pickup truck will further consolidate its leading position in the market and become a leader in the pickup truck market with these innovations and efforts.

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