Tianyu Digital Science was selected as one of the top 100 innovative enterprises in the 2024 AIGC enabling industry

2024-05-13 19:43:12 Source: Today's Hotspot

Recently, the results of the selection of "2024 AIGC Enabling Industry Top 100 Innovative Enterprises" jointly sponsored by Internet Weekly, the Informatization Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, eNet Research Institute and Deben Consulting were announced. Tianyu Digital Science was successfully selected by virtue of its outstanding performance in technology innovation and industry application in the field of "AI+MR".

With the rapid development of global AI technology, AIGC technology is leading a wave of technological innovation with its key advantages of improving the "availability" of enterprises and industries. In the current application of AIGC technology, multimodal applications that integrate multiple data forms such as text, image, video, etc. account for a significant proportion, and open up a promising application prospect in the fields of marketing, retail, education, film and television production, and office collaboration.

In order to speed up the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the economy and society, Tianyu Digital Science has actively laid out the space computing era, broken the single product architecture, built a product matrix suitable for different application scenarios based on cross modal technology, and served the 2B, 2G, 2C multi user groups.

Based on advanced AIGC technology, Tianyu Digital Science has launched digital magic box products in combination with text, voice, action and other interactive ways, realizing the triple integration ability of virtual digital human with beautiful skin bag, interesting soul and smart body; In order to accelerate the realization of innovative applications and products from 2B to 2C, Tianyu Digital Science has also created a large model of digital human vertical category "wise people ask thousands of questions", and the exclusive knowledge base can serve vertical users in different fields; The "smart companion magic mirror" of digital video can be generated by only one photo or video, and it can also be everyone's life partner or personal assistant, providing emotional companionship in a variety of scenes.

With the development of large models, AIGC, spatial computing With the overlapping application of cutting-edge technologies such as MR and the continuous evolution of technology ecology, Tianyu Digital Science has made a lot of innovative achievements in virtual content creation and immersive interactive experience in virtual space. In various fields such as culture and tourism, finance, and social networking, it provides users with virtual spokesmen, digital employees, virtual anchors Personal assistant and other forms of virtual digital human services.

In addition, in terms of hardware, Tianyu Digital Science has also formed a complementary partnership with Yinniu Microelectronics, a high-tech semiconductor enterprise focusing on 3D vision+AI, to jointly explore the application and development of 3D vision technology and artificial intelligence chips in the interaction between the metauniverse and virtual humans. In the rich application scenarios brought by the integration and development of "AI × MR × spatial computing", it provides the underlying support for users in different industries.

Tianyu Digital Science will continue to deepen innovation in technology, platform and application, and work with partners in different fields to jointly explore applications in innovative scenarios and accelerate high-quality development of the digital economy.


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