I love my family's 5 million rent subsidy, so that graduates can save on renting

2024-05-10 21:07:34 Source: Today's Hotspot

In the graduation season, in order to help graduates rent houses easily and reduce the burden, I love my family launched the activity of "I love my family after graduation". From now on to August 31, I love my family to launch a housing subsidy of 5 million yuan to help graduates rent easily, save their minds and settle down, and enter the society faster. The event was held in 8 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Suzhou and Wuxi.

It is understood that during the event, I love my family will link with the microblog campus online, so that more graduates can see and participate in the event. At the same time, the activity will cover Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other cities, with a total of more than 100 campuses, benefiting more recent graduates, helping college students reduce the burden of renting houses and effectively enjoy the benefits of renting houses.

"I love my family has launched graduation season activities for many years in a row to help graduates reduce the burden of renting houses and let young people feel the warmth from society." The person in charge of the activity said, "We are willing to be the first supporting board for graduates to step into the society, so that graduates can walk more lightly and faster. This is because I love my family and help young people develop, and it is also an inevitable choice for us to actively fulfill our social responsibilities."

The activity is simple and the reward is generous. The rent of the first three months can be waived at most

All new and old users of I Love My Home can sign up to participate in this "Graduation Rental Select I Love My Home" activity. Users can enter the activity page to sign up and complete the designated task in the I Love My Home APP or I Love My Home applet to participate in the lottery. This activity is aimed at the business of my love my family, and a total of nearly 20000 rental allowance vouchers will be released in the national activity cities, and the rent of the first three months will be exempted, and the maximum amount of 10000 yuan can be deducted from the lottery tickets. There are many prizes and discounts.

At the same time, I love my new and old users, who can also win more prizes by inviting new friends, and draw 100 yuan JD E card and other rewards. The more invitations, the more opportunities.

"We set as low a threshold as possible for participation in activities, so that more graduates can get subsidies. At the same time, we can also feel the fun of participation and a little surprise in life in the process of activities." The person in charge of the activity said.

The introduction of two people commuting to rent a house makes renting a house easier

I love my family while helping to rent houses for graduation and providing more discounts. Its Xiangyu business has been continuously exploring and improving in helping consumers rent houses easily and improving consumer satisfaction.

Not long ago, Xiangyu launched the new function of "double commuting rental" by using "AI algorithm+massive housing source big data". Users can use the newly launched "two person commuting rental" function to set the commuting location, transportation mode and time requirements of two people. The platform can generate a list of qualified houses with one key to help consumers quickly and accurately find suitable accommodation. The first batch of the project has been launched in more than 10 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, etc.

Behind this is Xiangyu's continuous efforts based on digital technology and user satisfaction. Xiangyu has established the business policy of "digital operation and intelligent service management", and started the development and application of digital intelligent products such as "digital cockpit", "small apartment intelligent system", and "double commuting rental" based on the "digital intelligent service middle platform" plan, so as to improve the user's rental experience.

"Xiangyu never goes too far and forgets why." The relevant person in charge of Xiangyu said that Xiangyu always knows that all innovation is to satisfy users.

Improve service quality. I love my family and have been working hard

In order to better meet the needs of users and constantly improve service quality, I love my family to reshape the brand evaluation system with consumer satisfaction as the indicator, guided by the "strategic goal of first-class standards to reshape the brand"; Release the brand idea of "living in every life" and a new visual image; Upgrade service commitment, take the lead in upgrading the passive service with compensation as the core of the industry inertia to active service, and propose "truthful", "do ahead of time" and "active compensation".

"There is no best, only better. In the future, I love my family will continue to help graduates rent houses, improve users' rental experience, and contribute to people's better lives." The person in charge of Xiangyu said.

Entrance to the event:

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