Fujian Branch Business Department of Agricultural Development Bank of China: promote the clean wind, establish integrity, and consolidate and develop a good political ecology

2024-05-07 10:33:15 Source: Today's Hotspot


Fujian Branch Business Department of Agricultural Development Bank of China takes the creation of a clean and healthy political ecology as the basis Sexual and regular Sex work, solidly promoted the overall strict governance of the party and the bank and the construction of a clean and honest party style, which provided a strong political guarantee for the high-quality development of the whole bank.

(1) Practice the "two maintenance" and strongly lead the ideological construction. everything Effectively enhance political awareness. Firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence", firmly establish the "four consciousness", and achieve the "two maintenance". Bringing the Education of Party Discipline and National Law into Party Member Studies The Xi Jinping Plan insisted on integrating the distinctive emphasis on politics into the whole process of Party governance. two yes Deeply carry out thematic education. comprehensive implement Party The Twentieth National Congress Spirit, firmly grasp the concept of "learning ideas and strengthening the party" "Nature, practice and new achievements" General requirements, in 2023, 7.5 days of theory Study class to carry out theoretical studies of the central group of the Party committee 7 times of practice, the Bank wide concentration study within the Party Xi The average training time reaches 120 class hours, and has achieved remarkable results in forging soul, increasing intelligence, rectifying style and promoting work through learning. Third Effective construction“ Don't forget Original heart remember well Mission "long-term mechanism. Will consolidate and deepen“ Don't forget Original heart remember well The "mission" themed educational achievements are closely combined with the inner party organizational life, and the "three meetings and one lesson", theme party day activities, and party lesson organization are optimized, Don't forget Original heart remember well Long term mechanism of mission. four yes Strictly implement the ideological responsibility system. Adhere to the principle of the Party in charge of ideological work, regard ideological work as a major political task, and strengthen Propaganda and cultivation of socialist core values, guide party members and cadres to emphasize self-cultivation, morality, honesty and shame, further strengthen the daily management and supervision of new media, and firmly grasp the ideological work Leadership, management and discourse. Five is positive to implement Major decisions and arrangements of the central government. Policy based In accordance with the requirements of "four bigger", the function of sex bank is integrated into the construction of "four big economies" and actively serves National Urban and Rural Development Integration Pilot Zone, the strategy of strong provincial conference in Fuzhou, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Financial services New path for cross Strait integration and development.

(II) Implement the "five musts" and enforce discipline and strict supervision. everything Pay close attention to patrol inspection and rectification. earnest to implement The feedback of "looking back" of the central inspection and rectification, combined the "looking back" work of inspection and rectification with the rectification of various problems of internal and external inspection, deeply integrated into all aspects of the Bank's Party building, performance development, internal governance and other fields, and tested the rectification results with high-quality development results. two yes Strengthen political supervision. Compacting the main responsibility of the Party committee for political supervision, strengthening the supervision responsibility of the Party office departments, the Party's grass-roots organizations and Party members, continuing to promote the normalization of political supervision, promoting the effective integration of political supervision and daily supervision, actively cooperating with and accepting supervision, giving full play to supervision, ensuring implementation, and promoting sound development It plays an important role in ensuring the high-quality development of the whole bank. three yes Precise discipline enforcement and supervision. Accurately use the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, and follow the "progressive learning" Practice, precise supervision, precise task and meticulous Implement and fine manage the work standards, focus on the special treatment of "key minority", "four styles" and "three no's", Implement all-round daily supervision.

(III) Implement the "two responsibilities" and strictly govern the Party and strengthen management. one yes Promote effective political discipline and rules to implement. Firmly maintain The authority of the Central Committee, defending the Party's basic line, and taking a clear stand against and resisting everything Words and deeds that violate, distort and negate the Party's basic line, consistently adhere to the "five musts", take effective measures to prevent and contain the "seven musts" political hidden dangers, and do a good job in high quality Leading cadres report personal work related matters. two yes Promote the linkage between the main responsibility and the supervision responsibility. Tightly compact the political responsibility and The first responsible person of the secretary is responsible for the discipline inspection commission The secretary is responsible for supervision and the team members are responsible for "one post and two responsibilities". We will continue to deepen the integration of "dare not corrupt, can not corrupt, and do not want to corrupt", punish and deter, institutional constraints, and improve awareness, establish and improve the integration of case investigation, rectification and governance, and supervision and warning, and ensure high-quality development of the whole bank with new results of comprehensively strict governance of the Party. three yes We will promote both political and style building. We should adjust and optimize the deliberation and coordination institutions, adhere to democratic centralism and the system of last word, The leading group set an example and led by the above, held a theme education special democratic life meeting, put forward measures around problems, and found the gap and improved themselves in carrying out criticism and self-criticism. We will implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government, reduce the burden and solve problems for the grassroots, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of style building, carry out in-depth warning education, and build a "protective net" of political ecology.

(4) Give play to the "two roles" and build a strong party. everything Strengthen Party building. comprehensive to implement Party building in the new era General requirements and The organizational line of the party in the new era, the pilot project of party building, the solid promotion of the "five type" party organization construction, by carrying out the "look back" work of standardization and standardization construction of the party branch, consolidate the achievements of standardization and standardization construction of the party branch, and give full play to the role of the party branch as a battleground and the exemplary role of party members. Second Standardize the selection and employment of personnel. Establish a correct orientation in selecting and appointing people. Investigate and evaluate cadres in a practical and realistic way, check the selection procedure, qualification conditions and employment discipline, pay attention to the source training, and ensure that cadres can go up and down, enter and leave, and flow reasonably. Third Focus on team unity. Members of the leading group cooperate and complement each other Taiwan has always insisted on putting the overall situation first, taking unity as the foundation, thinking about one place and making efforts to one place, making a voice and forming a fist in solving major, difficult and important matters, and jointly creating a good situation of unity of mind, downwind, positive and solid work.

(5) With a mind of "the largest country", we will fulfill our duties and develop vigorously. everything Actively serve the "three rural" economy. Adhere to the functional orientation, achieve high-quality development in promoting the "four major projects" and deepening the "eight major reforms", focus on the "six major areas", and use new weather and new ideas to help Fuzhou New achievements were made in rural revitalization and building a powerful agricultural country. In 2023, 23.64 billion yuan of warehousing projects will be completed, 7.94 billion yuan of loans will be granted accumulatively, and the loan balance will remain above 40 billion yuan. Second Prevent and resolve credit risks. Equity restructuring and asset disposal to accelerate Court enforcement. According to the five word requirements of "fast, ruthless, accurate, practical and effective", all resources of the Bank were used to prevent risks, preserve rights, reduce losses and stop losses By means of government cooperation, multi-level supervision and inter-bank joint management, we have compacted the responsibilities of special shifts, formulated promotion plans and work plans in reverse order, connected up and down, and coordinated internally and externally to promote the resolution of non-performing loans and prevent asset quality deterioration. three yes Continue to deepen internal control and governance. Carry out "top to bottom" comprehensive inspection and supervision, Implement grid management of case prevention, and prevent compliance risks through internal control evaluation, joint supervision, case risk troubleshooting, etc Legal services and compliance consulting guarantee fast track and effectively promote the construction of compliance culture.

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