In May, Suning E-Commerce Management and PGI ®) Strategic cooperation signing

2024-04-30 18:03:37 Source: Today's Hotspot


Strategic signing

(April 30, 2024, Hefei) Suning E-commerce Management and International Platinum Association (PGI) ®) The strategic signing ceremony was officially launched in Hefei Baohe Suning Department Store Project. Ms. Pan Weiyan, General Manager of Suning E-shop Business Management Center, and PGI ®) Mr. Ye Xiang, Director of Industry Development and Marketing, representatives of jewelry brands and media representatives attended the signing ceremony.


Suning E-Commerce Management and International Platinum Association (PGI ®) Group photo of the strategic signing ceremony of

Based on past cooperation and exchanges, the two sides, in line with the principle of in-depth cooperation, established a cooperation mechanism to strengthen cooperation, drove high-quality development of platinum with content, and jointly committed to promoting and developing platinum products driven by scarce platinum resources, helping Suning E-Commerce to become the preferred destination for purchasing platinum jewelry. The conclusion of this cooperation is rooted in the tenacious adventurous spirit of both parties, the deep cultivation of both parties' teams in the vertical platinum field in the past five years, and the firm belief of both parties in the future development of the platinum market. In the next cooperation, the two sides will jointly invest tens of millions of marketing resources, carry out in-depth cooperation in brand promotion, channel construction, member marketing and other fields, and jointly determine the annual cooperation strategic goals.


Suning E-Commerce Management and International Platinum Association (PGI ®) The strategic signing ceremony of


Comprehensive cooperation

Each small trip and each experience of hand in hand is not only to create common memories, but also to inadvertently complete the mutual running in and fitting in of each other's personalities and habits. Signing site: PGI ®) Mr. Ye Xiang, Director of Industry Development and Marketing, said that both platinum product design and Suning's natural fit genes confirmed the "grinding and matching" and "complementing each other". In the future, by relying on the marketing capabilities of both sides, we will explore rich product highlights, plan heavy industry events IP building and all media communication and other aspects continue to work together to contribute to the development of platinum.

PGI ®) It is the authoritative organization in the precious metal jewelry industry in the world, and has always been committed to promoting platinum jewelry worldwide to help the development of the platinum industry. As we all know, platinum is endowed with profound significance because of its tenacity, purity, rarity, eternity and other characteristics, especially bearing the "emotional metal" label such as the expression of "symbol of love", the pursuit of personal life, and the description of emotional meaning. At the same time, platinum is recognized as the preferred metal for gemstone inlay due to its differentiated characteristics, which also helps to present diversified fashions such as different styles and designs, and brings platinum jewelry products with high aesthetic, quality and value to the masses. In 2024, the International Platinum Institute (PGI ®) Adhering to the concept of "making platinum the preferred enabler of jewelry differences", we actively joined hands with our industry partners to deepen the marriage market, and proposed the "marriage+" strategy, aiming to give platinum a shining luster for the scenes of marriage, love, commemoration and other emotions in life. Mr. Ye Xiang pointed out that this cooperation with Suning, the leader of Chinese commercial enterprises, is a milestone. The two sides are full of sincerity and have ambitious goals. Through interaction with Suning's online and offline resources, they will expand powerful channels for excellent brands, provide quality products for advantageous channels, and work together to explore the development opportunities of the marriage market and empower jewelry brands, Explore differentiated growth of sales performance to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.


PGI ®) Mr. Ye Xiang, Director of Industry Development and Marketing in China, delivered a speech on the spot

Ms. Pan Weiyan, General Manager of Suning E-shop Business Management Center, reviewed Suning Department Store's "romantic relationship" with the International Platinum Association, and said that the International Platinum Association (PGI ®) The innovation ability of Suning is highly matched with Suning's strong content communication ecology. This cooperation will certainly help and drive each other. In terms of channel construction, Suning E-shopping malls were cooperated with 37 department stores in the initial stage, and 12 Suning E-shopping plazas were added to participate in the channel construction. In order to meet the needs of the new generation of users with increasingly deeper experience, from the traditional to store sales, we will focus on strengthening the support of Tiaoyin, Xiaohongshu and WeChat ecological flow matrix in the future. In terms of live streaming and employee marketing, the two sides jointly created resources through short video shooting and marketing coupons to create a hundred million level traffic exposure channel and complete sales transformation. At the same time, in terms of the platinum supply chain, Suning cooperated with Chow Tai Fook, Zhou Shengsheng, Liufu, Lao Fengxiang, Zhou Dasheng, Chaohongji, Laomiao, Chow Liu Fook and many other jewelry brands to negotiate trendy products, communicate inventory management, coordinate price policies, and provide consumers with attractive platinum consumption destinations.


Ms. Pan Weiyan, General Manager of Suning E-commerce Management Center, made a speech on the spot

In order to further improve the communication, PGI ®) A special marketing fee and incentive mechanism will be set up in Suning E-Commerce Management Project, which is mainly used to create the beauty scene and improve the immersion experience of platinum products. The special reward plan will be given to shopping guides, brands, talents and marketing teams to attract more users to participate in the promotion of platinum and jointly improve the market share of platinum. In terms of member marketing, Suning E-Commerce has 12 million active ecological members, relying on small programs and communities, to provide users with more diversified, convenient and refined commodity selection and quality services, to achieve electronic functions such as point deposit and withdrawal, double line gift exchange, double line shopping, double line registration and precision marketing, and will set up a subdivided platinum fan group by combining with the platinum category, Plan a series of community interactions, exclusive membership coupons, exclusive member products, exclusive membership gifts, exclusive member salons and other activities to enhance the stickiness and experience of platinum fan members.


Platinum beauty on the court with the symbol of transformation and tenacious butterfly as the main element


Grinding and fitting

In spring and May, in combination with the May Day schedule, the two sides jointly planned the theme marketing of "May has a heart, love in grinding and fitting". The purpose of this activity is to let consumers feel the exclusive romance brought by platinum in warm spring May - tough rare platinum, and give you the confidence of "toughness" through a series of interesting interactions and intimate services.


Suning E-Commerce Management and International Platinum Association (PGI ®) Strategic signing ceremony of

Platinum is ground to fit. Suning E-Commerce Management and International Platinum Association (PGI ®) This cooperation is precisely to innovate the development path, expand the development path from a strategic perspective, and win the sub item for each other to stand out in the fierce market competition. It is expected that this cooperation will attract more consumers to the charm of platinum and help accelerate the development of the platinum jewelry industry.


The theme marketing of "May has a heart, love in grinding and fitting"

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