To promote digital orthodontics into a new future, the 2024 Aiqi China Forum was successfully held in Xiamen

2024-04-29 16:07:37 Source: Today's Hotspot

Xiamen, China, April 25-26, 2024 - The 2024 Aiqi Science and Technology China Forum kicked off in Xiamen. This forum Leading flush Chase a smile As the theme, it gathered more than 10 internationally renowned lecturers, nearly 70 industry leaders, and more than 1000 domestic and foreign dental professionals to discuss the future of digital orthodontics, promote the innovative development of oral treatment, and promote better, more efficient, and more accessible oral medical services.

With the mission of leading brand in the industry, Aiqi Technology founded the Aiqi China Forum, aiming to provide a platform for experts, scholars and doctors in the industry to engage in ideological collision, professional exchange and innovative exchange, give play to the power of scientific and technological innovation, and promote the high-quality development of oral medicine.

summit | Check the industry and lead innovation

Professor Zhou Yanheng, Syd Sunshine Dental Medical Group

Professor Zhou Yanheng, Syd Sunshine Dental Medical Group In his opening speech for the conference, he fully affirmed the end-to-end digital workflow of Aiqi Technology, as well as its unremitting exploration and innovation in products and technology, which benefited orthodontists and patients together, and jointly promoted the Chinese orthodontic market forward by building an exchange and dialogue platform for colleagues in the industry and integrating the strength of the industry.

Raj Pudipeddi, Chief Marketing Officer, Asia Pacific Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Aiqi Technology

Chief Marketing Officer of Aiqi Technology, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Asia Pacific Raj Pudipeddi He said: "China is an important strategic market for Aiqi Technology, and there are huge market opportunities. Over the past 27 years, Aiqi Technology has always been at the forefront of promoting clinical innovation and digital innovation, and by applying AI, 3D printing and other cutting-edge technologies to our products and services, we support clinics to accelerate digital transformation and bring quality experience to patients. We are committed to supporting doctors to bring more personalized and excellent treatment results to patients. Today, Aiqi Technology connects all users seamlessly through the Aiqi digital platform composed of a series of proprietary technologies, products and services. This end-to-end platform is still being upgraded iteratively. We are stepping into the next generation of innovation track in the field of digital orthodontics with confidence, and continue to empower doctors to bring more patients a happy smile. "

Han Junhao, Vice President and Managing Director of Aiqi Technology China

Han Junhao, Vice President and Managing Director of Aiqi Technology China( JunHo Han When talking about China's vision and strategy, he said: "Aiqi Technology has been committed to the pioneering innovation of oral digital medicine for many years. Adhering to its commitment to innovation and refinement, it continues to invest in technology research and development, clinical education and services, and brand building to promote the technological innovation of digital dentistry. China has a huge market potential. In the past, we have made a series of milestone achievements together with Chinese doctors to constantly optimize and bring better treatment experience to patients. In the future, we will continue to introduce innovative and iterative digital products into the Chinese market, effectively enable clinical diagnosis and treatment, and help more Chinese patients reshape their smiles and change their lives. "

Karim Boussebaa, Executive Vice President of Aiqi Technology and Managing Director of iTero Scanning and Service Business

The innovation and development level of oral digital technology, as well as the popularity and application of digital platforms, are the key factors for the growth of China's oral market at present and in the future. With its intuitive scanning image and rich simulation results, iTero oral digital impression instrument plays a key role in the end-to-end digital platform of Aceh, which not only improves the efficiency of dental medical institutions, but also is an indispensable part of leveraging the digital platform of Aceh Technology. At the General Assembly, Aiqi Technology Executive Vice President iTero Scanning and service business Managing Director Karim Boussebaa They shared the key role of iTero oral digital impression instrument in digital transformation, and the value of the latest technological innovation for improving patients' treatment willingness, simplifying doctors' workflow, and realizing comprehensive oral health solutions.

Xie Hui, Senior Clinical Director of Aiqi Technology China

Then, Xie Hui, Senior Clinical Director of Aiqi Technology China Introduced the innovative products recently launched, including ClinCheck ® Smile Video simulates dynamic smile, implicit and comfortable beauty ® Personalized treatment scheme, scheme editor in ClinCheck ® software; love Qi Technology Material Science research and development vice president Dr. Li Chunhua Bring you the unique scientific charm behind the Hidden Beauty products; Dr. Qiu Yiguang The management strategy and clinical experience of children and adolescents were introduced; Bian Shanjing, Senior Marketing Director of Aiqi China They shared the 2024 Aiqi China market plan and related project activities for children and adolescents.

Special forum | In depth scenario focusing Efficient and accurate

In order to discuss the key issues of the industry in depth, the forum has planned ten special sub forums, covering efficient treatment, precise treatment, efficient operation, precise management, comprehensive treatment and other aspects. The topics are more in-depth segmentation scenarios, including tooth extraction, sagittal and vertical control cases, adolescent clinical treatment, orthodontic clinic operation, adolescent management, complex case handling Communication between consultants and patients, etc. Experts from home and abroad in the field of oral medicine had in-depth exchanges on these core issues, which consolidated clinical consensus and further promoted the academic growth of doctors in the industry. In case sharing, doctors and experts introduced their own clinical success stories and experience summaries on behalf of doctors and experts, providing valuable practical guidance and inspiration for participants.

Interactive display | Re display specialization number characteristic

At the forum, Aiqi Technology vividly displayed the Aiqi digital platform composed of a series of specific software, systems, proprietary technologies and services ™, The one-stop exhibition focused on multiple phased innovation achievements of Aiqi in each link of this end-to-end digital platform, covering the whole process from the first consultation to the final realization of a satisfied smile.

In the scanning phase, Invisalign® Yinshimei Effect Simulator Professional Edition IOSim Pro It can realistically simulate the smile effect of the patient after the correction in just a few minutes.

In the evaluation phase, Aiqi Oral Health Kit (AOHS) As a new type of digital component for the whole clinical process, it has built a bridge for the communication between doctors and patients, helping patients easily understand their oral health and the treatment plan suggested by doctors. iTero™ NIRI Near infrared imaging technology As an innovative integration part of the iTero Element Plus imaging system, it can clearly image the area under the tooth surface without harmful radiation, and assist in the detection and diagnosis of adjacent dental caries.

In the scheme design phase, ClinCheck Real time update technology As an important part of digital orthodontics, 3D control is used to support doctors to modify the implicit beauty treatment plan of patients in real time, shortening the modification process that originally took weeks to several minutes, significantly improving doctors' work efficiency. Hidden and comfortable beauty ® individualization Treatment plan It simplifies the treatment design process and helps doctors to formulate the expected treatment plan more consistently and efficiently. By integrating orthodontics and restoration plans Implicit, appropriate and beautiful smile construction So that doctors can clearly integrate the orthodontic treatment plan into a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan.

In the monitoring link, Invisalign® Virtual Care It provides a set of innovative remote monitoring solutions for doctors, integrates AI technology, helps doctors effectively manage the wearing progress of patients, and simplifies the workflow.

Leading the way and creating a better future, Aiqi Technology will continue to adhere to technological innovation and long-term investment, work with industry professionals to stimulate the innovation potential of the industry, build a new potential for digital transformation of the industry, use more cutting-edge technologies to promote new breakthroughs in the orthodontic field, jointly open a new chapter in digital orthodontics, and make more patients smile!

About Aiqi Technology

Aiqi Technology designs, manufactures and provides the world famous invisibility correction system - Yinshimei system, iTero oral digital impression instrument and services, and exocad CAD/CAM software. These technology combinations enhance the workflow of digital orthodontics and repair, and are committed to supporting doctors to improve their work efficiency and improve the treatment experience of patients. Up to now, Aiqi Technology has supported doctors around the world to provide more than 17 million users with Aiqi products and services, and drive the development of digital dentistry through the Aiqi digital platform. The Aiqi digital platform integrates a series of unique proprietary technologies and services to provide seamless, end-to-end solutions for patients, consumers, orthodontists, general practitioners and technical institutes/partners.

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