Langxi, Anhui: officially launched the campaign of "running all over my hometown" to promote national fitness

2024-04-29 10:13:34 Source: Today's Hotspot

April 27, by China Track and Field "Running around" guided by the Association The first stop of the "China series of activities running all over my hometown" was in Langxi, Anhui Province.

Traveling around my hometown is a public benefit of "online+offline" A series of sexual activities, which take road running as the carrier, hometown as the link, enabling business enterprises as the root Rural revitalization as the core, aiming at Implement national fitness The national strategy is to promote the development of road running, prosper rural cultural life, help the development of grass-roots industries Contribute to rural revitalization.

More than 400 contestants gathered in Langxi Xinhe Village Resort for the offline activity of Anhui Langxi Station. While enjoying the charm of national fitness, they enjoyed the beauty of Langxi and launched a contest full of "speed and passion". At the same time, it was also a road running movement across time and space. Online activities were also launched on the digital heartbeat APP and will continue throughout the year, That is, from April 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024. During this period, anyone in any place can register to participate through the digital heartbeat APP and the small program of running all over my hometown. Runners can freely choose routes to run according to their own time and place flat Run data is recorded on the platform to complete online activities.

In April, Langxi is still full of spring. At 8:00 in the morning, Xinhe Tourist Resort in Langxi County is already crowded. The contestants came to the arena early. They were enthusiastic and kept warming up to meet the challenge. The onlookers on both sides enthusiastically cheered and cheered, and the scene atmosphere was rich and warm.

It is understood that the event starts and ends at Xinhe Tourist Resort, and turns back through the Chinese Alligator Reserve. The track is 8 kilometers long. The track is open and winding, full of green, and the runners run in the loop, with scenery everywhere. In addition to the mass runners, many professional runners also joined the event Compete and show your style together.

In recent years, Langxi County has earnestly practiced national fitness National strategy, extensive sports events are carried out. The successful holding of the "Run All Over My Hometown" Anhui Langxi Station not only demonstrates the beautiful scenery and unique charm of Langxi, but also promotes the development of the national fitness cause and improves the health water of citizens Ping.

Next, I ran all over my hometown and launched road running activities all over the country. Running enthusiasts can visit flat Participate in the activities in his hometown on the stage to help his hometown spread. In order to encourage more runners to participate, the event has also set up a wealth of prizes, and participants will have the opportunity to win special prizes for running all over my hometown.

"Running all over my hometown" enables more people to experience the fun of sports and improve the national health water Ping also hopes that through this way, more people can understand and love their hometown, measure it with their feet, write health with sweat, ignite the color of life with enthusiasm, and show the charm and vitality of their hometown to the world through sports!

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