Attach importance to intellectual property rights, build a brand moat, and build a trademark system to promote development

2024-04-28 15:52:12 Source: Today's Hotspot

Every April 26 is World Intellectual Property Day. The protection of intellectual property rights can maintain the innovation power of enterprises, build a good market order, and promote the standardization of the industry Sexual development has Important role. Meichao protects the intangible assets of brands and promotes the improvement of home decoration industry Sexual development, which has been possessed Nearly 1500 registered trademarks have built a solid wall for brand development.

Build brand moat and enhance market competitiveness

Trademark The important components and specific forms of expression can fully display the good brand image and reputation of the enterprise to consumers in the fierce market competition, and help consumers quickly identify and remember the brand. The history of Meichao's trademark development cannot be separated from that of the chairman and President Zhang Jingfu's story about "trademark expert".

In the process of China's commercial development, many well-known brands have been submerged in the long river of history due to rush registration, unclear ownership of brand rights and other factors. With the determination and foresight to build a national brand Sexual strategic vision, Zhang At the beginning of the establishment of Meichao, Meichao applied for the first batch of more than ten registered trademarks. In 2003, just a few years later, the number soared to 100+. In 2007, "Meichao" was awarded China's famous trademark, "Yigua" in 2011 "Ping" won this honor again, and Meichao became the only enterprise in the industry that had two "gold lettered signboards" at that time. This year, Meichao obtained the trademark of Beijing The honorary award of "Beijing Famous Brand" issued by the Association.

Now, Meichao has There are nearly 1500 registered trademarks, and the name of "trademark expert" deserves its reputation. At the same time, "Meichao" has more than 100 The State has obtained the exclusive right to use trademarks. It is this proactive and forward-looking approach to intellectual property protection that enables Meichao to get Legal protection, the victory of two trademark protection cases in 2017 and 2021, perfectly explained that trademarks have long been a solid wall for the development of Meichao brand!

Intensive cultivation in the field of interior decoration accessories, high-quality products to serve users

In addition to safeguarding its own intellectual property rights according to law, Meichao has "taken root" in the field of decoration accessories in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and provide high-quality environmental protection indoor decoration accessories. Since its establishment in 1996, Meichao has always adhered to the professional focus on the field of interior decoration accessories, and insisted on not crossing borders and diversifying.

Zhang Jingfu has repeatedly stressed that "Meichao focuses on interior decoration accessories, and never touches a wall". With the development of the market and enterprises, Meichao has also transformed from a regional brand into a national brand. It has 36 corporate companies nationwide, and has built a channel network to serve consumers with 8 sales regions.

Along the way, Meichao has also truly realized the "one-stop shopping plan for accessories for home decoration". Yigua Ping, Qiangni, Qiangu, Zhanchinabao, Fangshuigou and other products rely on excellent quality and world water Ping's environmental protection standards have entered thousands of households and become an enduring "evergreen tree" in the industry.

The protection of intellectual property rights and trademarks is not only related to the healthy development of enterprises and industries, but also related to the legitimate rights and interests of millions of Chinese consumers. Only by improving the people's understanding of intellectual property rights and strengthening the protection and management of intellectual property rights and trademarks can we stimulate more advanced enterprises like Meichao to enhance their innovation vitality and inject lasting impetus into China's economic prosperity.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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