Behind the popularity of the wash bar: brands are rushing in, and the market development trend is hot

2024-04-22 13:44:18 Source: Today's Hotspot

Face washing bar, an industry that has gradually attracted attention in recent years, is quietly changing people's consumption concept and lifestyle with its unique business model and market demand. According to public information, the leading brand of facial bar "facial bear", born in 2021, has signed more than 2800 cooperative stores in just 18 months. Its rapid expansion speed is comparable to Ruixing Coffee, which is enough to witness the prosperity and vitality of the facial bar industry. At present, there are countless brands of facial bars. While the industry is growing rapidly, it has gradually exposed a series of deep-seated problems, which has caused widespread concern and hot debate in the industry.

Demand is the market "small and refined" wash bar breaks the traditional beauty industry

At present, traditional beauty salons are gradually falling into the dilemma of involution, and the service content is becoming more and more similar. The business model of front store and back yard has become a common choice in the industry, and the large and comprehensive development strategy seems to be the common pursuit of the industry. However, more and more consumers and investors are deterred by the huge size, high operating costs, various projects, strong marketing and other industry drawbacks.

Compared with the traditional beauty shop, the investment threshold of the light beauty wash bar is more people friendly. With a budget of 100000 to 200000 yuan, entrepreneurs can easily open a professional face wash bar in a prosperous business district or residential area. With the rise of beauty economy, this kind of medical beauty project with precise positioning and "light" size has been warmly pursued by a large number of young groups. It is worth mentioning that the proportion of male customers in the light beauty bar is as high as 40%. This data not only breaks the rigid restrictions on gender in the traditional medical beauty industry, but also proves the broad market prospects of the project in the male consumer group.

Where should the booming market breed chaos?

The rise of the face bar industry has undoubtedly brought new vitality and opportunities to the beauty market. However, against the background of increasingly fierce competition in the industry, some face bar brands began to try to add more beauty items to provide consumers with diversified services. This trend has led the industry to think: is the washroom deviating from its original intention of vertical subdivision, and further developing in a direction that deviates from the development laws of the industry and the market?

In fact, you can get the answer by referring to some successful brands. Take the face washing bear, the head brand of the face washing bar, for example. At the beginning of its establishment, it established the marketing policy of "only washing face, not selling goods", and in just 18 months, it has created 2800+cooperative stores nationwide, and more than 1800+stores have actually opened; With the Internet marketing strategy of "headquarters as users and stores as traffic receivers", Shampoo Bear has achieved a single volume of more than 900000 dithering groups and 700000 Meituan groups, which has become a worthy "dark horse" in the face bar industry.

Some insiders pointed out that no matter how the market changes, maintaining professionalism and delicacy is always the core competitiveness of the face bar industry. Excessive increase of projects will lead to the loss of professionalism and uniqueness of the face bar, thus affecting its positioning in the market. In addition, too much project expansion, such as head treatment and manicure, may also lead to the loss of focus and characteristics of the brand, which is easy to follow the old path of traditional beauty industry. When consumers choose to wash their faces, they often value their professionalism and pertinence. If the brand pursues diversification too much, it may make consumers feel confused and difficult to find services that are truly suitable for them.

In the future, with the continuous progress of science and technology and changing consumer demand, the face bar industry will also usher in more innovation and development opportunities. We hope that this industry can continue to develop healthily and bring more beauty and confidence to consumers.

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