Kemao and Jingbo cooperate to open up China's waste plastics chemical recycling industry chain for the first time

2024-04-22 12:48:16 Source: Today's Hotspot

Zhejiang Kemao Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kemao"), Shandong Chambroad Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chambroad Petrochemical") and Shandong Chambroad Polyolefin New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chambroad Polyolefin") have jointly completed China The first closed loop project of waste plastic chemical cycle. Shiseido China Subsidy is dedicated to processing the plastic packaging of cosmetics recovered after consumption into new cosmetics containers of original quality through chemical circulation.

Shiseido China provides plastic packaging for cosmetics recovered after consumption. Kemao converts waste plastics into COMY Oil through a chemical recovery unit, Chambroad Petrochemical processes thermal cracking oil into propylene monomer through a catalytic cracking unit, and Chambroad Polyolefin polymerizes propylene monomer into original quality PCR (recovered after consumption) polypropylene resin, Then, it is processed into new cosmetics containers by packaging and molding enterprises, thus completing the original recycling industrial chain closed-loop of "plastic packaging waste to food grade new plastic packaging". The process follows the "Quality The quality of new plastic packaging produced by the balance method is consistent with that of petroleum based plastic packaging.

A number of studies have shown that processing plastic waste into new plastics in a chemical cycle can reduce carbon emissions by about 50% compared with burning waste plastics and processing crude oil into new plastics. Kemao and Jingbo will help customers with high quality plastic needs such as cosmetics and cosmetics achieve their sustainable goals through the industrial chain path of "plastic waste - thermal cracking oil - PCR resin - new product packaging".

In the future, Kemao and Champaign plan to jointly promote the large-scale application of chemical recycling resins, fulfill social responsibilities, and help to achieve the goal of global plastic pollution control and carbon neutrality.

About Kemao Environment

Zhejiang Kemao Environmental Technology Co., Ltd National high-tech enterprise, focusing on chemical recycling of waste plastics for more than ten years, original "Low temperature and low pressure catalytic cracking synchronous reorganization" and "high selection" have been developed Two patented technologies of catalytic cracking olefin recombination. The former can produce high-quality pyrolysis oil from mixed waste plastics, while the latter can convert mixed waste plastics into propylene and BTX in a high proportion by simple process. Kemao is committed to becoming an innovation in the chemical recycling industry of waste plastics Leader, there are several factories under construction at present.

About Chambroad Petrochemical

Shandong Chambroad Petrochemical Co., Ltd., located in the economic development zone of Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, is the petroleum refining industry segment of Shandong Chambroad Holding Group. It is a large-scale private enterprise focusing on petrochemical industry and integrating petroleum refining and subsequent deep processing, covering an area of 7400 mu. Chambroad Petrochemical established its factory in 1991 China's top 500 petroleum and chemical enterprises ranked 31st, and Asian top 500 brands ranked 416.

About Chambroad Polyolefins

Shandong Chambroad Polyolefin New Material Co., Ltd. is a modern manufacturing new material industry segment of Shandong Chambroad Holding Group, specializing in the production of high-end polyolefin new materials. Relying on its own high-quality resources and Independent property rights process technology, industrial layout and extension, forming two major industrial clusters of polybutylene alloy and polypropylene resin. Chambroad polyolefin is No. 316 of Top 500 Chinese Enterprises, World Brand Conference“ "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands", polybutylene alloy won the title of "Shandong Famous Brand", etc.


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