Service representative of the bill industry Enterprise service platform of Deep Digital Technology empowers enterprise science and technology

2024-04-19 14:14:24 Source: Today's Hotspot

With the development of digital economy, the value of data is increasingly valued. The National Data Administration, the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and other 17 departments jointly released the "Data Element ×" Three Year Action Plan (2024-2026), which aims to guide all industries to make full use of data elements, realize the multiplier effect of data value, and release data potential. As a leading enterprise in the bill service industry, Shenzhen Digital Science Group has profound industry accumulation, cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation, and deep mining of data value. Its deep enterprise service platform provides SMEs with one-stop bill information, bank enterprise second discount, bill financing solutions and other services, and comprehensively meets enterprise bill management and financing needs, Create an integrated bill ecological service.

Integrate resources and consolidate the bill foundation. Bills are the key to financial resources and serving the economy, and play an important role in economic life. The bill information wall of the deep enterprise service platform is one of the largest and most comprehensive platforms of domestic bill market resources and information at present, and has become one of the main entrances of the whole network's bill source information flow, further helping enterprises effectively alleviate financing difficulties, and achieving smooth capital flow for all enterprises in the supply chain, It can strengthen and fix the chain.

The deep enterprise service platform realizes one click integration of domestic bill market resources through bill information wall, bank second paste, bank transfer paste, commercial bill direct financing and other functions, while providing enterprise customers with free bill services such as online signing, one click price test and so on, to meet enterprise bill management and financing needs in an all-round way, which is the best interpretation of the development of the bill market at this stage, It is also a powerful tool for multi-party cooperation.

Among them, the deep enterprise service platform connects with many banks, and can provide enterprises with online signing, price comparison, price trial, rapid lending and other services at the same time, which are freely selected by enterprises, greatly making up for the shortcomings of traditional posted capital costs and discount timeliness, and effectively revitalizing the bill assets of small and micro enterprises. At present, it has been directly linked to 10+second discount banks, supports online discount of 1000+acceptor bank bills, and the new generation of electronic acceptance bill discount accepted by most financial companies.

Based on the present and looking forward to the future, Shenzhen Digital Science Group has always focused on serving the real economy, adhered to innovative development, and worked hard to serve small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and has achieved phased success. At the same time, the deep enterprise service platform will continue to give full play to specific applications and benefits in enterprise operation, financial management and capital turnover through business empowerment and make full use of digital information technology.

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