2024 China Consumption Development Forum was successfully held in Haikou to explore the trend of economic development

2024-04-16 14:42:51 Source: Today's Hotspot

April 14, 2024, the fourth session China During the International Consumer Goods Expo, Southern Newspaper Media Group and China 2024 jointly sponsored by (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute and undertaken by Southern Weekend Newspaper China The consumption development forum was held in Haikou, Hainan. With the theme of "Grasp the pulse of consumption and insight into development opportunities", this forum invited representatives from the political, academic and business circles to discuss together China New consumption trends, explore potential opportunities for high-quality development.

Vice President and Vice President of Southern Newspaper Media Group total Editor, Party Committee of Southern Weekend Newspaper secretary Chief Editor Wang Wei said in his speech that China Well known media group, Southern Newspaper Media Group adheres to the strong mission A sense of responsibility has always paid close attention to the progress of the times, economic development and the achievements of Hainan's construction. As a well-known media at home and abroad, Southern Weekend insists on focusing on economic development, and has always been sensitive and concerned about the consumption issue as one of the troika driving the economy, and has made many influential reports in all walks of life. In addition, near In recent years, Southern Weekend has vigorously promoted the in-depth development of media integration and actively promoted the construction of new mainstream media, among which the construction of media think tanks is important One ring. At present, Southern Weekend Research Institute has established 10 research centers, continuously producing think tank products such as in-depth research, policy consultation and various rankings, and fully participated in country Modernization of governance capacity to boost economic and social development.

Vice President and Vice President of Southern Newspaper Media Group total Editor, Party Committee of Southern Weekend Newspaper secretary , Chief Editor Wang Wei

Wang Wei said that Southern Weekend will base on the three-dimensional communication matrix of Southern Newspaper Media Group, tell the story of the Consumer Expo, sort out the achievements of the construction of the free trade port, and spread it to the world China We look forward to working with experts from all walks of life and the public to grasp the pulse of consumption trends and explore the economic trend in 2024.

Consumption is the key engine driving economic growth and the great potential of China's economic development. How can new quality productivity and new consumption promote each other and promote each other circularly? Twelfth session whole country National People's Congress foreign affairs committee member Vice President director committee member Experts of Landi International Think Tank committee member meeting chairman Zhao Baige delivered a speech on the topic of "New quality productivity promotes new consumption reform". She believes that new consumption is the inevitable result of economic and social development, and it is also a vivid portrayal of the new quality productivity promoting consumption reform. On the surface, it shows the rapid development of the quantity, price, quality and technical content of supply, as well as the more refined consumption scene of demand, more convenient consumption channels and more innovative consumption experience; The new quality productivity boosts the innovation of production factors nature The configuration and in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry have improved the quality and efficiency of the consumer market.

Twelfth session whole country National People's Congress foreign affairs committee member Vice President director committee member Experts of Landi International Think Tank committee member meeting chairman Zhao Baige

Consumption demand will continue to evolve, and there is still huge space for consumption mining. The key lies in how to release market momentum and use new quality productivity to drive new consumption. Zhao Baige believes that we should adhere to the consumer demand orientation, attach importance to the innovation ability of private enterprises, release the potential of digital and green consumption, and at the same time accelerate the cultivation of key areas of new consumption, expand international cooperation, and create a positive cycle of new quality productivity and new consumption.

At present, China's consumption structure is undergoing profound changes. What impact has this brought to the economy and society? Adapt to the general trend of consumption structure upgrading, and how to realize the structure nature Reform breaks the subject? China Chi Fulin, president of the (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, believes that the contribution rate of consumption to economic growth is rising as we enter a new stage of development. In 2023, the contribution rate of final consumption expenditure to economic growth will reach 82.5%, 32.3 percentage points higher than that in 2013, becoming the first driving force for economic growth. He analyzed that China is still a large country in transition, and the upgrading of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents is in the important Phase. In 2023, the contribution rate of urban and rural residents' service-oriented consumption to consumption growth will reach 67.5%. If the proportion of service-oriented consumption of urban and rural residents in China increases from about 45% in 2023 to more than 50% in 2030, it is expected to drive at least 2 percentage points of economic growth. Chi Fulin believes that the upgrading of consumption structure faces structure nature Conflict constrains. "First stand and then break", focusing on structure nature Reform and solve the structure facing the upgrading of consumption structure nature Contradiction.

China Chi Fulin, President of (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute

Chi Fulin believes that we should nature Reform cracking investment And consumption, growth and distribution, urban and rural structure nature Contradiction. This requires accelerating the opening of the service industry market and promoting the structure nature Reform and policy adjustment, optimizing the distribution pattern of national income, adjusting the distribution structure of national income, and improving household registration population Increase the structure in terms of urbanization rate, breaking the dual household registration system in urban and rural areas, and strengthening the construction of rural public service system nature Reform and policy adjustment.

Chi Fulin pointed out that in the next 5-10 years, the upgrading of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents will continue to accelerate. Economic determination nature Largely depends on the determination of consumption structure upgrading nature The focus of high-quality development is to form a new consumption led growth model. Adapt to the upgrading trend of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents, and increase the structure nature The reform will continuously release the potential of economic growth and achieve sustainable growth.

Double blessing of practice and theory

consumption New era New thoughts on the development of

In this forum, many experts, scholars, enterprise representatives and other guests discussed consumption from different dimensions New era New path of development under.

Distinguished professor of Tongji University China country Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association China Economic Research Center director Liu Xinghua made a speech on "new pattern, new consumption and new growth", and he said that consumption is not only created by consumers, but also guided and inspired by enterprises government Encouraged and protected. Through further deepening reform and high water flat Open up, strive to increase employment and residents' income, improve the supply structure, and improve water supply flat , effectively meet the multi-level and diversified consumption needs of the whole society, and fully release China The consumption potential in the urbanization 2.0 era country New vitality of economic development.

Distinguished professor of Tongji University China country Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association China Economic Research Center director Liu Xinghua

From 2023 to 2024, the success of "Erbin" has provided new enlightenment for urban development. Harbin Madeier Cultural Tourism investment Deputy Party Committee of the Group secretary total Zhou Wei, the manager, took Harbin as an example to share new ideas on "new consumption ecology enables new development of urban culture and tourism". He believes that core IP creation+emotional value provision+consumption scenario construction is the closed-loop of Harbin ice and snow tourism. Harbin has provided all tourists with full emotional value, consumer dignity protection, and stimulated consumer desire. Sincerity is Harbin's "must kill skill". There is a world of ice and snow in winter, and a dance on the river in summer platform

Harbin Madeier Cultural Tourism investment Deputy Party Committee of the Group secretary total Manager Zhou Wei

L'Oreal North Asia and China public affairs total Zailan Zhenzhen used L'Oreal's practical experience to interpret the new strategy of enterprise development under the new consumption ecology. She said that we can transform the new potential energy of beauty into the new quality energy of beauty, and further lead the new trend of beauty, further stimulate the new vitality of beauty, further promote the new prosperity of the market and further promote the development of new ideas at the concept, industry, market and social levels.

L'Oreal North Asia and China public affairs total Cut Lan Zhenzhen

Zhang Yu, director of the PR and Communication Department of Fangtai Group, pointed out that, China Where is the imagination space of the kitchen in the future? First, consumer level shows consumption upgrading and diversified demands nature Second, the fourth industrial revolution represented by AI, 5G, big data, etc. accelerated the development of household appliances intelligence, and promoted the household appliances and kitchen appliances industry into an intelligent era; Third, in terms of home scenes and space redistribution, the functions of food and kitchen important nature It is constantly improving.

Zhang Yu, Director of Public Relations and Communication Department of Fangtai Group

near In the past years, Zibo, Harbin and other cities have emerged and quickly become "popular" on the Internet. For these cities, how will they become famous accidentally nature The necessity of transforming into sustainable development nature , is a question worth thinking about. Deputy Secretary General of Southern Weekend Research Institute, Urban (Regional) Research Center director Dai Chunchen interprets the logic and driving force behind urban development around the city's appearance, speech and research values. He shared that a new paradigm of experiential consumption and emotional economy was born in Xi'an, and the "out of circle" of small cities such as Litang and Zhanjiang reflected the diffusion of the new paradigm in space, while Jiangmen and Zibo explored the experience of deepening the co governance of emotional economy, while Harbin integrated“ China Service has reached a new peak.

Deputy Secretary General of Southern Weekend Research Institute, Urban (Regional) Research Center director Dai Chunchen

In addition, China Vice President of (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, RCEP Research Institute director of an institute Kuang Xianming, on behalf of the research group of the Chinese Academy of Reform, released the "Unleashing the huge potential of service-oriented consumption: 2024 China Consumption Research Report, which reviews the transformation of China's consumption structure in 2023 progress , analyze the structure facing the upgrading of consumption structure nature Contradiction, propose To deepen the structure nature Suggestions on reforming and releasing the huge potential of service-oriented consumption.

China Vice President of (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, RCEP Research Institute director of an institute Kuang Xianming

Kuang Xianming believes that at present, we need to focus on the medium and long term, base ourselves on the short term, grasp the general trend of consumption structure upgrading, and focus on deepening the demand side structure nature Reform. For this reason, he suggested: nature Reform and release the potential of service-oriented consumption; Optimize the distribution structure of national income based on the priority of people's wealth; Focus on stabilizing enterprises and stabilizing employment; Digital consumption drives the development of new service-oriented consumption formats; With high water flat Opening up to promote the transformation and upgrading of trade services; strengthen government In releasing the potential of service-oriented consumption important effect.

Create a new ecological synergy of consumption

Jointly build and share to boost economic growth

2024 is the "consumption promotion year", and the concept of co construction and sharing plays a role in building a new consumption ecology and boosting economic growth important Role. How to make joint construction and sharing become the new ecological force of consumption and promote high-quality economic development? Forum to“ China Two round table dialogues were held on the topic of "consumption and economic growth" and "jointly building and sharing a new consumption ecology".

China The round table dialogue on the theme of "consumption and economic growth" was hosted by Kuang Xianming, Ministry of Commerce, International Trade I Ching Academy of Economic Cooperation committee member Vice President director Zhang Jian flat Liu Xinghua, Distinguished Professor of Tongji University, Chief Growth Officer and China area total Cut Su Jun, Xuetian Salt Brand Operation Officer Jiang Yulan and other guests China The role of consumption, consumption structure, consumption release and other dimensions in economic growth were discussed.

China Round table dialogue on the theme of consumption and economic growth

along with China The upgrading of residents' consumption structure. Regarding service trade, especially service import, Zhang Jian flat It is believed that, China As the world's largest trading country, trade in goods is our advantage, but trade in services has always been in deficit. China Has huge consumption potential, but it still needs to pass the supply side structure nature Reform and opening up, and strive to make our China The scale of service trade has become larger, the competitiveness has become stronger, and the trade surplus has been achieved.

Liu Xinghua emphasized the importance of innovation for economic development important nature He said that in the world economic development Historically , each important The technological innovation of will lead to new products and consumer revolution. In today's era, people are more interested in digital intelligence, green and low-carbon nature The consumption demand is increasing. The products and services provided by enterprises should be more safe, convenient, healthy, comfortable and novel, and also conducive to the harmonious coexistence between human and nature. To meet such consumption demand and development demand, it is necessary not only to achieve disruptive scientific and technological innovation, but also to achieve corresponding business model innovation and management model innovation.

How to treat China What are the trends and prospects of the service travel market? Su Jun said, near Over the past years, the service consumption has been continuously upgraded, and the experience consumption has continued to grow, which has brought new development opportunities to enterprises. Longteng Travel grasped this trend and promoted internationalization and flat platform Realize two strategies, from traditional travel service providers to global quality life flat platform With the goal of leading technology and improving experience, we will continue to cultivate new quality productivity and better serve global members and member customers.

Facing the trend of upgrading the whole consumption structure, what is the future development plan of Xuetian Salt? Jiang Yulan mentioned that the upgrading and adjustment of product structure and the upgrading of consumption structure are two-way empowerment relations. Developed in Europe and America country The market share of high-end salt reached 8% - 10%, China High end salt consumption is still in its infancy, so we think there is much to be done. As domestic high-end salt leader Brand: Xuetian Salt insists on internalizing the development of new quality productivity into conscious behavior of the enterprise, optimizing resource selection, technological innovation, product structure, etc., planting the green background of the brand, and building core competitiveness.

The round table dialogue on the theme of "jointly building and sharing a new ecology of consumption" was hosted by Dai Chunchen, and the British Deputy Trade Envoy to China, Sohail Shaikh, China advertisement association International communication work committee member Will execute director , Guoguang Huineng investment Partner Lu Wenlong, China Reform Guohao Free Trade Port law research center director Li Chun, iFLYTEK Consumer BG Strategy and Brand Department total Manager Zhan Wenyu and others participated. They started from their respective fields and discussed topics such as brand building and brand going to sea.

Round table dialogue on the theme of "jointly building and sharing a new consumption ecology"

Shi Ruiyao said that many British brands came here for the first time China , will be China The rapid development was deeply shocked. Only when they come by themselves China Will understand the market, opportunities and cultural diversity here nature Rich sales flat platform Diversified customer needs. Foreign brands need the help of experts to find and China Resonate with consumers, so as to further develop business strategies, and make good use of their experience in other overseas markets to help the brand realize smoothly China Localization.

In terms of brand overseas communication, Lu Wenlong pointed out that everything needs to be communicated, no matter what you do country Small to enterprise or even personal IP. In recent years, some enterprises that have done well at sea will continue to raise funds on the one hand, and will use new forms of communication to infiltrate brands on the other hand. Combining the form of communication with the power of capital may produce some new species of consumption.

On the issue of brand going to sea, Li Chun also expressed his own opinion. He believed that for some industries, there is no way out without going to sea, but enterprises need to pay attention to three dimensions when going to sea: first, they must make full use of China And going to sea country Multilateral policies and treaties between; Second, attach importance to the background investigation Third, we must have the awareness and ability of supply chain integration. Building a competitive supply chain is the core and essence.

Zhan Wenyu shares the experience of iFLYTEK's successful expansion of overseas markets. He shared that when promoting brands in the international market, enterprises should attach importance to technology research and development to ensure competitive advantage, show cultural confidence and respect the culture of the target market, and also follow international rules such as data and safety compliance; In addition, cooperation with local business partners can better understand local needs and integrate into target markets, and promote brand internationalization.

A complete list of winners of the "Annual Consumption Influence" selection was also announced at the event site, as follows:

China The Consumption Development Forum is a permanent annual think tank activity during the Consumer Expo, focusing on the momentum and trend of consumption development under the new pattern. Since the forum was held in 2021, it has attracted great attention from all walks of life and attracted many people from government Many representatives from think tanks, universities and enterprises attended and shared, injecting new impetus into the service construction of a new development pattern and promoting sustainable development in the consumption field.


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