Agricultural Development Bank Wenxian Sub branch actively carried out password security publicity and education activities on the National Security Education Day for All in 2024

2024-04-15 10:49:15 Source: Today's Hotspot


To deepen implement to implement population National security concept, promote in-depth publicity and education on password security, and further popularize the "China Related to the Code Law of the People's Republic of China Legal knowledge, resolutely preventing and resolving various leakage risks, Agricultural Development Bank of China Wenxian Sub branch attached great importance to it, immediately made arrangements and deployment Carefully organize and carry out publicity and education activities, constantly enhance the confidentiality awareness of cadres and employees, and ensure the security of password work.

1、 Organize passwords carefully Laws and Regulations Xi. The party branch of the bank attaches great importance to password security The Password Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords have been included in the theory concentration of the Party branch To learn the content, the team members insist on learning first and deeply, give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, and earnestly learn Learn the basic principles, basic systems and main contents of the Code Law, and fully learn Exchange, Implement confidentiality responsibilities. At the same time, through the youth theory group study Xi organized young employees to further study Learn to understand the "what is, how to use and how to manage" of passwords, and constantly improve the ability to carry out password work according to law.

2、 Actively carry out password security publicity and education. April 15 is a national day On the National Security Education Day, Wenxian Sub branch seized the opportunity to“ implement population National security concept, coordinating high-quality development and high water Ping Security, enhance password security awareness, and promote With the theme of "Chinese Modernization and Building Password Defense Line" National Security Education Day password security publicity and education activities. everything Take the business outlets as the propaganda position, and use the electronic display screen to play the "enhanced National security awareness and conscious maintenance "National security" and other slogans to promote to employees and the public National security awareness; Second Play password security propaganda posters on the publicity screen in the hall of the bank, and publicize passwords to all employees of the bank Laws, regulations and password knowledge; Third Actively participate in network publicity. adopt WeChat friend circle forwarding A series of unscrambled articles of the Password Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords of the State Password Administration to popularize passwords Laws, regulations and password knowledge, effectively expand the scope of publicity, improve the quality and efficiency of publicity, and firmly maintain The password defense line of national security.

Next, learn Xi Implement the Password Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords, further strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Maintenance", adhere to the Party's unswerving management of passwords, innovation and development, and service overall situation, make password security publicity and education a long-term work, and enhance the legal awareness of password security of employees throughout the bank, Improve password management ability Flat, and firmly build the password security defense line.

Agricultural Development Bank of China Wenxian Sub branch

April 12, 2024

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