2024 High quality Development Conference of Milk Goat Industry Held in Fuping

2024-04-11 12:24:11 Source: Live network

From April 9 to 10, the 2024 Dairy Goat Industry High Quality Development Conference was held in Fuping County, the "Goat Milk Capital of China". Representatives from all walks of life gathered together to discuss the high-quality development plan of dairy goat industry.

The conference was hosted by Northwest A&F University of Science and Technology and undertaken by Fuping County Party Committee and County Government. At the meeting, experts and scholars from the upstream and downstream of the dairy goat industry chain at home and abroad issued insightful opinions on the core issue of high-quality development of dairy goat industry, and put forward targeted, constructive and operational suggestions. The Public Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society issued the White Paper on Goat Milk Nutrition and Health, providing guidance for scientific milk drinking and healthy milk drinking. The conference also gave awards for the award-winning works of "Fuping Goat Milk · Strong Chinese" regional public brand short video forwarding action, held the appointment ceremony of "2024 Fuping Goat Milk Brand Promotion Ambassador", and commended the outstanding enterprises of "Fuping Goat Milk" regional public brand promotion, The training on dairy goat breeding and efficient breeding technology and the promotion of goat milk products in Fuping County were held.

In recent years, Fuping County has issued the Opinions on High Quality Development of Dairy Goat Industry, unswervingly promoting the creation of regional public brands, promoting the development of characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized dairy enterprises, striving to create a new highland of dairy industry rising on the loess land, and walking out of a "Yangguang Avenue" for rural revitalization. At present, 4 dairy goat industry demonstration parks have been built, 2 breeding towns have developed 100000 dairy goats, 880000 dairy goats are on hand, and the annual output of goat milk is 235000 tons. It has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the advantageous area of agricultural products with Chinese characteristics, and the output value of the whole industrial chain has reached 15 billion yuan.

After the meeting, the participating purchasers also walked into the front line of the factory to understand the production and processing process of high-quality goat milk products, taste the delicious and healthy goat milk, clarify the purchase requirements and cooperation intentions, open up production and marketing links, fully release the consumption potential of goat milk, and promote the overall prosperity of the goat milk market.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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