Longyan Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China: actively guiding retired cadres to help rural revitalization with "four highlights"

2024-03-30 22:24:22 Source: Today's Hotspot


Longyan Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China, in accordance with the work deployment of the superior bank, focused on strengthening the ideological and political construction of retired cadres in the whole city, and further Implement the political treatment and living treatment of veteran cadres, so that retired cadres can deeply feel the concern and warmth of the organization.

First, we should focus on political construction and attract people through education. Actively guide retired cadres to listen to and watch the whole country through mobile phones, television, newspapers and other forms“ The grand occasion of the "Two Sessions", pay close attention to the conference dynamics, and have a deep understanding of the country“ Two sessions " Spirit, encourage veteran cadres to use written records Learning from experience and communication Experience. Further guide veteran comrades to better integrate thought and action into the Party The latest decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee have been made to maintain the true character of Party members, keep the same color in retirement and leave the post. The second is to give prominence to ideological guidance, and promote and explain to stabilize people's minds. Change the line During the visit and condolence led by the leaders, they reported the business development to the old comrades, paid high attention to the social security progress, salary, retirement policy and other issues of high concern to the retired employees Do a good job of ideological guidance, publicity and interpretation, and educate and guide retired cadres to work together with the Agricultural Development Bank of China. The third is to highlight humanistic care and visit to comfort people. During the New Year's Day and Spring Festival, the bank The leader led the team to the county sub branch to communicate face to face with the party members with difficulties in life and the old party members, understand their family and physical conditions, and use sincere tone and sincere conversation to pull Close to the distance between each other; Listen to the opinions and suggestions of veteran cadres patiently, visit 8 people in total, and pay 24000 yuan of condolences. The fourth is to highlight the organizational construction and make the election popular. Retired Party members were invited to actively participate in the general election meeting of the Party branch where they worked, listened to and reviewed and passed the previous branch Report on the work of the committee, voting adopted the method of general election, the list of scrutineers and vote counters, and the new branch The proposed list of candidates of the committee successfully elected a new branch committee committee member.

(By Zhong Ting)

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