Longyan Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China: Rooted in the red soil, the heart turns to the Party's love for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and becomes the pioneer

2024-03-30 13:44:30 Source: Today's Hotspot

In 2023, Agricultural Development Bank of China Longyan Branch will adhere to comprehensive implement Party The Twentieth National Congress Spirit and seriousness to implement Party building in the new era The general requirement is to thoroughly implement the Party building pilot project, take the "red soil pioneer" party building brand as the starting point, solidly promote the construction of politics, ideology, organization, style, discipline and system, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of Longyan Branch.

One is to learn ideas and strengthen the Party And unswervingly adhere to the Party's leader. Insist on putting political construction first and do a good job of the Party's The Twentieth National Congress Spirit at the grassroots level implement Implementation and timely follow-up Learn the latest important Speech and Instructions Spirit, in-depth study Xi center Financial work meeting Central Economic Work Conference Spirit, carry out the study of "the first topic" of the Party Committee throughout the year 37 times of study, Party Committee Central Organization 7 times of practice, and 9 times of party class for team members. Second, focus on key points, promote integration, and continue to gather joint forces for comprehensive development. Summarize and refine the working method of "three establishment and three promotion", carry out "promotion marketing" and "sinking marketing", and implement differentiation and individual Sexual service measures, investment and financing policy propaganda, special financing service docking forum, and 22 project promotion conferences were held throughout the year. Diversified by "farmland+", "national reserve forest+undergrowth economy", "park+industry", "rural road network 1+N", etc The financial service model continues to help "the four major banks" improve. The third is to lay the foundation, consolidate the foundation and persevere in building strong battle fortresses. We continued to strengthen the risk management of case prevention, improved the construction of internal control system, repeatedly investigated and repeatedly committed problems, decreased year by year, no case prevention risk events occurred throughout the year, achieved the goal of "six no", and achieved significant results in risk control measures. According to the requirements of the 2023 consolidation and improvement plan of the three-year action plan of the "Compliance Agricultural Development Bank", we organized the "top leaders" to talk about risk cases, prevent and promote compliance, anti money laundering compliance training, employee compliance oath, and compliance special broadcast, and further promoted the construction of risk compliance culture. Fourth, focus on cultivation, good knowledge and responsibility, and vigorously and orderly promote team building. Focusing on "strong political ideology, strong business development, strong operation and management, strong solidarity and cooperation, and innovation Strong spirit, strong work style and discipline, and strive to build a "six strong" sub branch Leadership. Jointly held the 2023 theme education theory with Zhangzhou Branch in Guwenchang Cadre College Learning and training class for middle management cadres to educate and guide middle management cadres to learn The learning effect is transformed into a vivid practice of doing a good job in their own work and promoting high-quality development. Fifthly, we should be strict in our responsibility and guarantee, and strictly control the Party's governance. Deeply promote the construction of Party conduct and clean government, strictly perform duties according to the list of responsibilities for strict governance of the Party, link up and coordinate the "two responsibilities", promote the integration of all kinds of supervision, carry out a total of 24 times of clean government warning education, and watch 31 special educational films. Organize and carry out six "four styles" inspections to achieve full coverage of sub branches within the jurisdiction. Deeply promote violation Eight Provisions of the Central Government Special treatment work for typical mental problems was carried out to investigate employees' abnormal behaviors, and further standardize and strengthen employee behavior management.

(By Zhong Ting)

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