Dividend of 192 million yuan highlights the true color of "cash cow" China Yuexiu Expressway REIT releases 2023 annual report

2024-03-29 09:10:01 Source: Today's Hotspot

With the annual With the arrival of the disclosure season of the Fund's annual report, infrastructure REITs began to disclose their annual performance in succession. On March 28, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT( Fund code: 180202) released the 2023 annual report, and the closely watched business performance was also announced. Benefiting from the steady recovery of the economy and the continued high popularity of people's travel, the underlying asset of the REIT of Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway, Hanxiao Expressway, has fully recovered its business performance, including traffic flow, operating income, EBITDA, and availability for distribution Important indicators have been achieved over the same period of last year High growth of nearly 20%.

It is worth mentioning that in 2023, the REIT of Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway completed four dividend distributions, with a total cash distribution of 192 million yuan. If the amount available for distribution generated in the fourth quarter is considered, The accumulated cash distribution since the establishment of the Fund will reach 309 million yuan. Calculated by the issuing scale, the cumulative distribution rate can reach 14.51%, and the "cash cow" is full of color.

Overall recovery of business performance and growth of main indicators Nearly 20%

Specifically, in 2023, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT The operating income at the fund level reached 242455800 yuan, up 17.58% year on year; Net profit before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was 187.1664 million yuan, up 20.75% year on year; The amount available for distribution reached 164.095 million yuan, up 19.41% year on year.

At the level of the project company, the toll revenue (excluding tax) for the whole year was 236822100 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.17%, which exceeded the toll revenue predicted in the tracking assessment report; The average daily toll vehicle flow reached 32600 vehicles, up 20.40% year on year. It is worth mentioning that in 2023, the toll income of Hanxiao Expressway will also achieve a significant increase of 4.77% compared with 2021, setting a new historical high since the opening of Hanxiao Expressway in 2006.

Hanxiao Expressway Airport North Toll Station

Quarterly distribution and timely feedback Investors, with a cumulative cash distribution rate of 14.51%

Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT always adheres to the principle of timely and Investor sharing The concept of revenue. As the first public offering REITs to implement the quarterly dividend strategy, in 2023, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REITs will complete four dividend distributions, with a total cash distribution of 192 million yuan and a unit share distribution of about 0.64 yuan. If the amount available for distribution generated in the fourth quarter is considered, The accumulated cash distribution since the establishment of the Fund will reach 309 million yuan, and the unit share distribution amount is about 1.03 yuan. Calculated by the issuing scale, the cumulative distribution rate can reach 14.51%, and the "cash cow" is full of color.

"High speed+service" lead the car to the road for marketing promotion

Asset transparency continued to improve and the secondary market performed well

Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT in information disclosure and Continuous optimization of investor relations, The transparency of asset management has been further improved. To make Investors can more easily and quickly obtain information on basic assets. From June 2023, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT has taken the lead in The Exchange shall disclose the operating data of infrastructure assets on a monthly basis. Up to now, we have disclosed the operating data for 9 months in a row, and achieved good market response. In addition, although it did not touch the threshold of relevant temporary information disclosure, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT took the initiative to fully and timely disclose the matters involved in the lawsuit, reflecting that Responsibilities and responsibilities of the Fund Manager and the original equity holders.

organization Open Day Activities for Investors

The secondary market of public offering REITs in 2023 has experienced ups and downs due to the centralized lifting of multiple products, insufficient incremental funds, spread of pessimism and siphon effect of other markets. Thanks to stable and excellent fundamental performance and professional Asset management capability, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT has performed well in the secondary market. In 2023, China Yuexiu Expressway REIT's cumulative rise after recovery is higher than that of CSI REITs in the same period The earnings index outperformed by 11.3 percentage points. In 2024, with a series of favorable policies and the recovery of market confidence, Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT has further gained market recognition, and the overall price of the secondary market has risen steadily.

ESG Concept empowerment Asset management, The photovoltaic project was successfully implemented

In addition, the REIT operation team of Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway also integrated the concept of ESG In the process of fund management and asset operation, it is implemented in a transparent and sunny way Fund operation and project management Investors create greater Investment value. In 2023, led by the operation management agency Guangzhou Yuetong Wuhan Branch Implement the distributed supporting of Hanxiao Expressway The photovoltaic power generation project was successfully connected to the grid for power generation. The installed capacity of the project reaches 189.75KWP, and the average annual power generation is 185000 kilowatt hours, which can not only save considerable electricity costs for the project, but also achieve carbon emission reduction of 163.8 tons/year, and achieve a win-win situation of environmental and economic values.

Looking forward to 2024, as China's economic recovery continues to strengthen, the demand for people to travel continues to remain high, the number of motor vehicles continues to grow, and the development environment of the transportation industry continues to optimize. Based on the superior location advantage, Hanxiao Expressway is expected to continue to benefit from regional economic growth, especially the development of surrounding logistics parks and tourism industry, which will bring more abundant passenger flow and logistics demand to the project. Huaxia Yuexiu Expressway REIT will continue to adhere to the sound business philosophy and strive to Investors create sustained and stable returns.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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