Shanghang County Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China: Actively exert the financial power of agricultural policy banks

2024-03-27 09:14:59 Source: Today's Hotspot


In 2023, Shanghang County Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China accumulatively invested 682 million yuan of various agricultural support funds, and the year-end loan balance was 2.845 billion yuan, with a net increase of more than 350 million yuan for three consecutive years, making history Sexual breakthrough, continue to highlight agricultural policies with solid achievements in supporting agriculture nature Financial responsibilities and responsibilities.

To be the "vanguard" of food security

The bank will always serve As the foundation of national food security and development, we should plan, deploy and act early. In the past three years, cumulative investment policy The sexual reserve loan was 47 million yuan, meeting the needs of local grain reserve rotation in a timely manner and effectively guaranteeing the policy Sexual capital supply; A total of 130 million yuan of grain and oil purchase loans have been provided to purchase and sell enterprises, and the market-oriented purchase of grain has been done well. The main channel for the supply of grain and oil purchase funds has been given full play, contributing to the "ballast stone" force for the local "stabilizing grain prices, holding the bottom and ensuring safety", and continuously highlighting the "grain bank" brand.

Be good The "main force" of rural revitalization

This line implement Implement Party harmony National services The rural revitalization strategy focuses on improving the rural living environment, integrating urban and rural development, and lending to small agricultural enterprises. It has successively supported Jingmei Village in Jiuxian Town, Yixingzhai Village in Fanshi County, Buyun, Gutian Jiaoyang and other places have built harmonious and beautiful villages. In the past three years, the cumulative amount of approved project loans and credits has reached 2.646 billion yuan. At present, in the areas of improving the rural living environment and urban-rural integration, we have continued to increase marketing docking and loan support, and have invested 1.519 billion yuan, precision drip irrigation rural development, rural construction and rural governance, support the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promote the improvement of rural living environment.

Be a good policy Implement "waiter"

Make full use of the policy nature The financial policy of supporting agriculture, benefiting farmers and strengthening agriculture, and many projects have applied for the approval of loan interest rate exceeding the authorization, effectively reducing the financing costs of enterprises, supporting the creation of key villages and towns and boutique routes for rural tourism, and promoting the development of local commerce, catering and accommodation services and other tertiary industries. In 2023, the bank's green loan balance will be 737 million yuan, an increase of 41200 yuan or 126.84% over the beginning of the year, creating a "green picture" for improving the quality and efficiency of serving ecological civilization construction.

Next, Shanghang County Sub branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China will further play its role national policy The function of sex banks is to "act as a guide, complement weaknesses and counter cycle", to serve the overall revitalization of rural areas and accelerate development, and to provide agricultural policies to promote high-quality economic and social development of agriculture and rural areas nature Financial support. (By Lan Yuanrong, Luo Zhikang)

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