Blossom beauty for the world! 2024 World Charming Women Fashion Competition officially launched!

2024-03-25 09:36:32 Source: Today's Hotspot

On March 22, 2024, the 2024 World Charming Women's Fashion Competition was officially launched in Wuhan, and the relevant responsible persons of the event organizer Jiuji Zhenmei and the previous outstanding event beauties attended the launch site.

The current World Fascinating Women's Fashion Competition, with the slogan of "blooming beauty for the world", provides a platform for global women to "stimulate their souls, stimulate beauty, and absorb nutrients", and guides women to establish a life attitude of "reading themselves, surpassing themselves, and pleasing themselves".

For this reason, Ms. Wang Fang, the person in charge of the event, said that this year's event will continue to adhere to the original intention of the event, so that all women who dare to show themselves can provide a stage. It is not about the players' body, age, talent and other information, but about whether Jiali is confident about herself and whether she wants to be happy.

President Wang said that as women of different ages, she believed that they all had different styles, so Jiuji Zhenmei paid more attention to the display of their internal quality and external self-confidence. She hoped that every different woman would have the same stage to show their charm and style.

She said that the World Fashionable Women's Fashion Competition is a brand that advocates women's growth, so she hopes to use the power of the brand to deliver different voices to more women, not defined by trends, nor by fashion. They have their own charm, which can be shown from inside to outside. This is the significance of holding this competition.

It is reported that the contest has been successfully held for 8 times since its launch, covering major cities in China such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Fujian, and overseas regions such as Japan, Malaysia, Canada, and attracting dozens of media platforms such as Guangdong TV, Beijing Satellite TV,, and Tencent Video.

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