Kang Xiaohu · Health House Settled in Beijing Tongrentang Jining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine New Quality Productivity Enables Health Industry Development

2024-03-20 17:01:16 Source: Today's Hotspot

On March 14, the unveiling ceremony of Kang Xiaohu Health House of Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was held in Jining. This time, Kangxiaohu Health House was officially settled in Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, aiming to enable the hospital to carry out services such as disease prevention, sub-health conditioning, etc. in response to diversified health service needs. This is also a new scene of Kangxiaohu Health House landing again in medical institutions after settling in industrial parks and community properties, which is of milestone significance.

Wen Yongming, director of Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and chairman of Jining Wentaihe Yinling Real Estate Co., Ltd., Xin Dengpan, vice chairman of Jining Association for Old Science and Technology, former member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Lu Junqing, chairman of the board of directors of Tianjiu Sharing Group, Wang Bo, president of Jinshang Technology Group, and Chen Lifeng, president of Tianjiu Health Management Group, The chief expert representative of Jining Public Health Center and other guests attended the event to witness this important moment.

Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a hospital with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics with profound historical background and broad social influence, always adheres to The lofty concept of "cultivating benevolence and benefiting the world for health" provides high quality medical services for the majority of patients. At the same time, Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also one of the "top ten" projects in Jining for attracting investment.

Kang Xiaohu ·The Health House is a health management solution innovatively created by Jinshang Technology Group, a subsidiary of Tianjiu Share, which integrates intelligent detection, sub-health special conditioning and perennial health management. This health management solution can complete "check, ask, prevent, and adjust" without medical personnel to meet the needs of daily health management.

At the symposium, Wen Yongming said that to realize the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, we must adhere to "TCM thinking+modern technology+transformation and application". It is a new task for the TCM industry to develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development of the TCM industry. "We have made a detailed survey and investigation on Kang Xiaohu · Health House and found that Kang Xiaohu · Health House is a new product developed within the framework of TCM prevention and treatment theory, especially in many aspects of 'health detection, health management, sub-health and common disease prevention', which is a vivid practice of developing new quality productivity to promote high-quality development of TCM."

"Disease prevention and sub-health conditioning are the development direction of TCM hospitals. It is hoped that more intelligent technologies based on TCM theories can be applied to our hospital with the help of health huts to provide better, more convenient and accurate health services for the public." Wen Yongming said.

since Since 2019, Tianjiu Sharing Group has begun to lay out the field of mass health, and now the mass health industry has become its core development strategy. Lu Junqing said, "We have successfully created a big health business matrix integrating Jinshang Technology Group, Kangbo Health Technology Group and Health Management Group. In addition, relying on the huge millions of entrepreneurial resources, Tianjiu shares the innovative business model of" platform+big health ", and shares online and offline platform resources with Tianjiu, Focusing on the business of the big health sector, we will work with partners from all walks of life to bring high-quality health products and services to thousands of households to achieve mutual creation, sharing and win-win.

It is understood that Kang Xiaohu ·The Health House is specially designed and scientifically equipped with 7 types of 28 pieces of health products to provide health services for 28 people at the same time, aiming at the common characteristics of urban workers such as enterprise employees, community residents, social white-collar workers, such as sedentary, lack of exercise, lack of sunshine and fresh air. Through intelligent technology and comprehensive health services, Kangxiaohu Health House can help people to prevent diseases, recuperate and improve sub-health simply, conveniently and cheaply. Up to now, Kangxiaohu Health House has been built in more than 40 cities nationwide.

Wang Bo introduced Kang Xiaohu ·The design concept and service features of the Health House. He said, "We will continue to optimize our products and health management services, assist medical institutions in providing services in intelligent detection, sub-health conditioning, disease prevention and other fields, help relieve the pressure of urban medical system, and improve the comprehensive service capacity of grass-roots medical institutions The cooperation of TCM hospitals is not only the recognition of the strength of Kang Xiaohu · Health House, but also a great encouragement for us to continuously upgrade our products, improve our service level and improve our operation and management standards. We firmly believe that such cooperation will jointly promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and benefit more people. "

As you can see, this time Kang Xiaohu ·Together with Beijing Tongrentang (Jining) Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Health House not only demonstrates the great potential of deep integration of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology, but also injects strong impetus into the continuous innovation and development of the health industry. "On the new journey, let's muster our energy and make scientific plans to make the pace of development of new quality productivity more stable and powerful, and constantly achieve solid results in promoting the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine," Wen Yongming said.


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