CLINIQUE LA PRAIRIE Four pillars of Rapuny Science drives health and unlocks the mystery of life

2024-03-20 10:05:01 Source: Today's Hotspot

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Anji, China, March 18, 2024: Since its establishment in 1931, Clinique La Prairie Rapuny (CLP Rapuny for short), born in Montreux, Switzerland, has been a pioneer in the field of health and longevity. With nearly a century of outstanding experience, Rapuny perfectly integrates scientific innovation, professional medical technology, pioneering spirit and luxury hotel services to accompany guests through every stage of their healthy and long-lived journey.

On March 28, 2024, Rapuny will open a new anti-aging physiotherapy hospital in Anji, China. As an anti-aging physiotherapy hospital outside Switzerland, Rapuny Angie inherits the cutting-edge science and CLP longevity method of Montreux, Switzerland ™。 CLP longevity method It is based on the concept of overall health and adopts the "four pillars" of Rapuny: medical treatment, nutrition, health care and sports.

The four pillars laid the foundation of Rapuny's classic treatment, and also highlighted its uniqueness: multidisciplinary medical experts gathered here to provide professional and effective health guidance. During each treatment period, CLP adopts an interdisciplinary approach to help guests fully understand their personal health status, thus becoming the builder of their own health.

Medical pillar

Adhering to the concept of "creating a healthier, longer and better life experience for people", Clinique La Prairie has established a well-known high-level medical team in the industry to provide customers with high-quality medical experience. The medical expert team uses advanced diagnostic tools, DNA testing and other professional medical tests to customize personalized preventive medical programs for guests based on their needs and wishes. Every highly professional medical staff is committed to providing comprehensive health examination required by the treatment course. Raphanie Angie will continue to unlock the mystery of life by combining the medical professional technology and high-quality medical team that keep pace with the times.

Clinique La Prairie uses cutting-edge and rigorous medical and scientific knowledge to customize medical programs for guests, which benefits from the combination of advanced diagnostic technology, highly personalized nursing programs, science driven treatment and long-term persistence, so as to achieve a true transformation of health and life. It is worth mentioning that all courses of treatment were conducted under the guidance of Rapuny Angie medical experts, and a comprehensive medical evaluation was conducted by doctors who closely focused on the guests' itinerary.

Nutrition pillar

A balanced diet is the foundation of health. Since its establishment in 1931, Rapuny has always focused on regular diet and balanced nutrition, practicing healthy life, nourishing and caring for the body. Its nutrition pillar is based on comprehensive dietary adjustment, which can reduce inflammation by supporting healthy immune system, slowing down oxidation reaction, optimizing metabolic function and gradually balancing intestinal microbiota.

The nutrition expert team of Rapuny Angie will provide personalized dietary guidance and suggestions for each guest according to the professional medical test report, and customize personalized nutrition solutions for each customer. Rapuny understands the importance of reasonable and scientific diet structure, and integrates the anti-inflammatory diet system into the personalized nutrition concept.

The expert nutrition team of Rapuny adheres to the diet concept of "adapting measures to local conditions and eating from time to time". Each recipe emphasizes the freshness and nutrition balance of ingredients, selects local ingredients for reasonable collocation, widely uses seasonal natural food, and retains the fragrance and nutrition of food itself to the greatest extent.

Healing Pillars

The pillar of health care is integrated into the course of treatment and becomes an important part of the overall scientific method. Its health care pillar is committed to promoting the transformation of body and mind, leading guests to a new mental state - clearer brain and stronger physique. This will help guests to explore unknown areas and redefine their own advantages, so as to find a fuller and more focused self.

Sports prop

Based on highly personalized physical training, sports pillars focus on comprehensive adjustment of flexibility, posture, coordination, stability, muscle quality, strength and endurance. It can adjust and help stimulate muscle growth according to the actual physical level of the guests, and has the effect of reducing inflammation. With a strong physique as the cornerstone, it can feel the joy and vitality of life wholeheartedly.

Rapuny Angie provides a wide range of sports methods. The exclusive sports coach conducts professional physical fitness assessment for the guests, and carefully designs sports programs that match their physique and interests. Rapuny encourages all guests to explore and explore the diversity of sports, build a solid body, care for physical and mental balance in the rhythm of exercise, and make sports an inexhaustible driving force for the pursuit of health.

Rapuny Angie Anti aging Physiotherapy House is like a leisurely paradise, sitting on quiet lakes and charming mountains. Its unique geographical environment creates unique experience opportunities for outdoor sports. Surrounded by mountains, rivers and bamboos, you can enjoy the beautiful lakes and mountains, and enjoy the pure and natural healthy sports experience. At the same time, guests will also enjoy a comprehensive plan on healthy exercise, quality life and balanced nutrition formulated by the medical and overall expert team to create a comprehensive anti-aging rejuvenation.

About Clinique La Prairie

Clinique La Prairie is located in the historic resort of Montreux, Switzerland, and founded by Professor Niehans, a pioneer in longevity. Since its establishment in 1931, Rapuny has been internationally renowned as a world famous medical clinic and health destination.

With continuous scientific research, Clinique La Prairie Rapuny is recognized as the leader in the field of preventive medicine. Its regeneration course aims to promote vitality, optimize the immune system and slow down the aging process; Exclusive detoxification treatment provides customized purification and detoxification treatment services; Other treatment courses include scientific weight loss and advanced physical examination.

The health concept of Rapuny perfectly combines its professional knowledge with the holistic healing method based on the four pillars of medicine, health, nutrition and sports in an exquisite environment. In Rapuny, a medical team composed of about 50 senior experts provides excellent high-precision diagnosis and support for guests. As an award-winning physical and mental health destination, Rapuny is an oasis of beauty and health. Here, physical and mental health experts help guests restore internal balance and treat various diseases, including fatigue, anxiety, digestive system diseases, insomnia, detoxification, weight, pain, etc. A range of longevity supplements available both inside and outside the Rapuny Clinic are now part of its groundbreaking products.

In Montreux, guests stay in 35 luxury rooms and suites of Rapuny, taking in the magnificent scenery of the Alps and the beautiful scenery of Lake Geneva, and radiating physical and mental health and vitality in the quiet nature. Since 2020, CLP's concept of longevity has been actively developing, becoming a unique health journey. Ripernie Lanrui Clinic will open in cities all over the world, so that international customers can continue their healthy journey closer to home. (Madrid and Bangkok from 2020 to 2021, Doha in 2022, Taipei in China in 2023 and Dubai in 2024). Angie welcomed Rapuny's first anti-aging physiotherapy home outside Switzerland.

On March 28, 2024, Rapuny Angie Anti aging Physiotherapy House officially opened. This unique anti-aging physiotherapy house has 7 villas, 29 rooms and suites, and is distributed around the main building; The main building is equipped with medical pillars, health pillars, sports pillars and nutrition pillars. Guests can enjoy the natural beauty of mountains, rivers and bamboo seas, enjoy the picturesque scenery near the lake, and enjoy the longevity and health treatment brought by advanced technology.

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