Hundred Talents Forum | Huayou Recycling Bao Wei: Explore the global layout of battery recycling industry

2024-03-19 10:42:42 Source: Today's Hotspot

In the crucial year of industrial development, the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Forum (2024) was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing from March 15 to 17. The forum held brilliant discussions on two topics, namely, "consolidating and expanding the development advantages of new energy vehicles" and "speeding up and electrification of the automobile industry and sustainable development". Chen Qingtai, Chairman of the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Association, and Miao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, participated in the forum. Famous experts, scholars and distinguished guests from government departments, research institutions and enterprises focus on the trend of industrial change and explore new paths for industrial development. Bao Wei, the general manager of Zhejiang Huayou Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huayou Recycling"), was invited to attend the Auto New Ecology Forum and made a keynote report entitled "Exploration of Global New Energy Vehicle Power Battery Recycling Industry Layout".

▲ On the spot of high-level forum

Ouyang Minggao, vice chairman of the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Association and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out at the forum that the realization of a strong automobile country should rely on "four modernizations", namely, electrification, intelligence, low-carbon and globalization. When talking about how the power battery recycling industry can make due contributions to the "four modernizations", Bao Wei said that in terms of electrification, experts estimated that by 2030, the supply of mineral resources and renewable resources will each account for half. China's nickel, cobalt and manganese mineral resources are not rich, and the development and use of renewable resources will be particularly important; In terms of intelligence, retired power batteries can effectively realize the value-added of retired battery materials and support intelligent development through cascade utilization and recycling; In terms of low-carbon, the use of renewable resources is a low-carbon process, and we are also used to calling renewable metals "green" metals. Recycling is the meaning of the development of automobile low-carbon; For globalization, as China's new energy vehicle enterprises and battery enterprises go overseas, domestic recycling enterprises will also join hands with industrial chain partners to go global, protecting upstream and downstream enterprises.

▲ Bao Wei, General Manager of Huayou Circulation, delivered a keynote speech

In 2023, Huayou Recycling Industry Group will dig deep into the advantages of integrated industrial structure, innovatively propose the solution of "lithium battery full life cycle management low-carbon recycling ecology", closely cooperate with industrial chain partners, and accumulate mature, practical and sustainable success stories. In 2024, around the accelerated pace of internationalization of the new energy vehicle industry, Huayou Cycle will further explore the global layout of the power battery recycling industry, and help the "four modernizations" development of new energy vehicles.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Forum. During the forum, the experts at the meeting summarized the achievements, experiences and problems of the development of China's new energy vehicle industry, analyzed the opportunities, challenges and coping strategies of the new energy vehicle industry, discussed how to promote the healthy development of the new energy vehicle industry, and made suggestions for the further development of China's automobile industry.

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