The 2021 Global Action Initiative (GAI) on the front desk opened

2021-11-03 19:49:00 Source: CCTV News

In order to cooperate with the Glasgow meeting of the United Nations Climate Conference, the North American Central Radio and Television Station launched the 2021 Global Action Initiative, focusing on all areas of climate change work, gathering the voices of global policymakers, observers and global youth, and using the media platform to amplify the voice of calls for climate action.

The special program "Global Action Initiative 2021 - Climate Change" of China Central Radio and Television Corporation was officially launched on November 2, local time in North America. The special program lasted for five days in total, with the participation of the President of Sierra Leone, the Prime Minister of Iceland and other dignitaries, senior officials of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations and other international organizations. Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, Director and Editor in Chief of China Central Radio and Television, delivered an opening speech, and Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, answered the questions of Chinese and American youth on national responsibilities and international cooperation in tackling climate change.

In the first program, the guests spoke freely in the form of speeches, discussions, Q&A interviews, etc., describing the full picture of global climate action responsibilities for the audience, and leading the community to actively carry out public discussions on climate issues.

Head of China Central Radio and Television: Media colleagues should take responsibility in global climate action

Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, Director and Chief Editor of China Central Radio and Television, delivered an opening speech. Shen Haixiong first extended his welcome to the guests who participated in the special event of the Taiwan Front Office, and thanked them for their advice and suggestions for the global efforts to tackle climate change. He called on media colleagues to take responsibility in the global climate action, raise the public's concern and awareness of the construction of ecological civilization, consolidate the public opinion foundation of multilateral consensus on international climate cooperation, and create a public opinion environment focusing on global climate action.

"This year, the documentary National Park: The Kingdom of Wildlife produced by the main station has been distributed in more than 100 countries and regions around the world; CGTN's annual live broadcast of the" Great Migration of Wildlife in East Africa "will touch the hearts of millions of viewers. We are willing to work with global media colleagues to continue to tell more stories about "desert becoming oasis" and harmonious coexistence between human and nature.

People will not fail the Castle Peak, and the Castle Peak will not fail! "

Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Director and Editor in Chief of the Central Radio and Television Station

President of Sierra Leone: Dealing with climate change must practice multilateralism

In his video speech, President Biot of Sierra Leone said that climate change is a survival crisis faced by all mankind, and the world needs to unite to meet this challenge. With the aggravation of the climate crisis, the problem of "climate refugees" is becoming more and more serious. Developing countries, including Sierra Leone, are most affected by the climate crisis. Biot said that addressing climate change should adhere to international cooperation, must adhere to multilateralism, and must simultaneously address poverty, violence, social injustice and other issues.

"To tackle climate change, we must abandon isolationism, prevent geopolitical risks from escalating, tackle poverty, violence, social injustice and corruption at the same time, and implement the commitment of multilateralism."

- President Joachim Biot of Sierra Leone

Prime Minister of Iceland: Climate change caused by human activities Human efforts can also improve this problem

In his speech, Icelandic Prime Minister Jacob Stottier said that the response to climate change can actually start from the concrete life, such as research on new energy in the field of science and technology, and advocating to follow a sustainable lifestyle from the perspective of mankind itself. In a word, it is necessary to tie the bell. Human beings can reverse the trend of climate change through their own efforts.

"We can change our lifestyle and cope with climate change through the transition to renewable energy. I firmly believe that it is possible. Although human activities have caused climate change, I also believe that human beings can also improve this problem through their own efforts."

- Prime Minister Jacob Stottier of Iceland

President of the 76th session of the General Assembly

Abdullah Shaheed, the president of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, said that the signal released by the global climate crisis has been very clear. As long as there is one person in the world who is not safe, everyone will be unsafe. The world will enjoy both prosperity and loss. Our world is highly connected.

"It is obvious that we are both good and bad, and no one can be independent."

- Abdullah Shaheed, President of the 76th United Nations General Assembly

President of the International Monetary Fund: "Increase policy support to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy"

In her speech, President Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund called for promoting the transformation of the world economy to a lower carbon model through policies such as improving global carbon pricing and eliminating carbon subsidies. Georgieva believes that the average carbon price should be raised from the current $3 per ton to $75 per ton by 2030.

"Global policy makers should strengthen policy preference and support the transformation of the economy to a low-carbon model. The International Monetary Fund and global economists have two suggested policy directions: cancel carbon subsidies, promote carbon pricing, and send relevant signals to consumers by increasing the overall assessment of costs in the production process."

- President Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund

Vice President of Sustainable Development Affairs of the World Bank: The development story of the 21st century is a green development story

Vogel, Vice President of Sustainable Development Affairs of the World Bank, said that although there is sometimes a need for short-term balance between climate governance and economic development, thanks to scientific and technological development, green and inclusive growth can create more and better jobs. China's photovoltaic industry is a good example. Therefore, although climate governance may sometimes affect economic development, such trade-offs are necessary for long-term sustainable development.

"We are increasingly aware that green inclusive development with lower environmental pollution and carbon footprint can create more jobs for people compared with the traditional development mode. The green development mode has lower costs, but it can create more and better jobs and ensure sustainable economic development. The development story of the 21st century is the story of green development."

- Vice President of Sustainable Development Affairs of the World Bank – Vogel

Egyptian Environment Minister: We don't have Plan B

In his speech, Egyptian Environment Minister Fouad said that the impact of climate change on the country is very serious, whether it is coastal erosion or impact on agriculture. Although Egypt is not a major global emitter of greenhouse gases, it still suffers from the serious impact of the climate crisis.

"We must take our own responsibilities according to the consensus reached before we can save the earth. We have no other options, and we do not have Plan B."

- Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment of Egypt

Minister of Environment of Ecuador: The cost of climate change is human

Manrik, the Minister of Environment of Ecuador, introduced Ecuador's efforts in tackling climate change in the program, and also quoted the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), saying that "the cost of climate change is human beings." Manrik called on all countries to work together to avoid missing the best opportunity to tackle climate change.

"Global sea level rise and heavy precipitation are challenges that we face every day in Ecuador and even the world. The IPCC report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that the cost of climate change is human beings. If we do not take concerted action today, the global temperature will rise by 1.5 degrees within nine years, which will bring catastrophic consequences for all mankind."

- Manrik, Minister of Environment of Ecuador

Special Invited Session - Chinese Ambassador to the United States Answers to Chinese and American Youth

International cooperation is indispensable to deal with the global climate crisis. China US climate cooperation has always been regarded as a key area of global climate action. In the special program, Qin Gang, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, held a new dialogue with Chinese and American youth. He said that China's carbon peak and carbon neutral goals, as well as a series of recently issued action plans, demonstrated China's positive attitude to climate change and its responsibility as a major country. Qin Gang also mentioned that China has made great efforts to develop new energy vehicles and encouraged people to travel green, which reflects its strategic determination to firmly follow the path of green, low-carbon and circular development. When answering the questions of Chinese and American youth, Qin Gang also pointed out the key issues of global climate governance for the aspiring youth of the two countries.

"While taking into account the needs of real development, we should also look at the old accounts of history. Just like the examination questions faced by different grades will be different, both China and the United States should answer their own examination papers well. The test of dealing with climate change is the total score of all students. The United States is a strong student, but it has" skipped class "and withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, In the future, if you want to hand in your papers with high marks on time, you can no longer skip classes, nor can you postpone submitting your homework. "

- Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the United States

Media action in progress

It is urgent for the world to join hands to deal with the climate crisis. All countries must act immediately, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, accelerate the achievement of carbon emission reduction targets and mitigate global warming. As an international mainstream media, China Central Radio and Television Station is actively playing a leading role and will release the Global Media Action Climate Initiative at the end of the event, which is the world's first action initiative for media climate responsibility, calling for building media multilateralism and making the specific implementation of climate policies in the world, especially in developed countries more transparent, Let the experience of green economic transformation of major countries be paid attention to, create an objective and clear international public opinion environment, and eliminate the noise that hinders international climate cooperation.

In the next four days, the special program of the 2021 Global Action Initiative will discuss the current situation and challenges of the global response to climate change in specific areas, including "the actual impact of climate change on the Earth's environment", "the importance and protection of biodiversity", "the responsibility of media for climate", "how individuals take action" and "the responsibility and role of young people" Five different themes. In addition, there will be a grand premiere of the five episodes of the documentary series "Climate Change" - "Zero Hour".

On the 2nd local time, the first episode of "Zero Hour" will be broadcast - China.

It has become the common mission of billions of people around the world to focus on the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature, protect blue water and sky, and jointly build a low-carbon home. With China's 2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutrality, China's ecological environment industry has entered a new stage of energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction.

In its efforts to tackle climate change, China has set the goal of carbon neutrality as early as 2060. The younger generation is also making unremitting efforts to achieve this goal. This film takes students as the main line to show the creative solutions of the young generation to fight against climate change. At Tsinghua University, students are learning how to become managers of the earth through research and decision-making. Chinese students in Sweden and the United States are looking for climate solutions that connect government and culture. In order to cope with the increasingly severe dry weather, Shenzhen has demonstrated the potential of "sponge city" by using big data and new methods of collecting rainwater. In Inner Mongolia, a grass grid method initiated by Chinese people is making China's largest desert more suitable for human habitation. Nationwide, renewable energy - from solar energy to shore power - is replacing traditional energy, making the carbon neutral dream a reality.

This film will present China's efforts in the development of "climate change" and the restoration of biodiversity to the public through documentary shooting techniques from the perspectives of new energy, desertification control, and carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

To watch the live broadcast in real time, please click

For more information on the 2021 Global Action Initiative, please pay attention to

(Chief reporter Jiang Heping, Zhang Xin, Lu Ye, Zeng Siwei, Yin Yue)


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